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Everything posted by Sciascia

  1. That’s, uh, wow. This is like the Colts-Vikings game from Saturday. Everything’s looking great for Indy in the first half, but then Minnesota just winds up winning again.
  2. RC, please have Izzi save his write up & put it in a drawer. That way, he can break it out when something great comes along. Thundersnow, 1-2 feet, all those things that were fun to read.
  3. As long as winds are very strong & blowing snow will cause visibility to drop to 1/4 mile, there will be a Blizzard Warning even if only 1-2 inches.
  4. If traffic is going to be at a standstill anyway with the winds for even just a couple inches of snow, might as well make it worth it & get all the snow that was being modeled two days ago, too. But alas, the snow totals are fading hard with every 6hr increment. It sucks to see.
  5. Me: Next time, don’t get too excited until some sampling occurs. Ignores advice with the very next storm system
  6. Well, this thread is going to go basically silent until the 12z NAM tomorrow morning.
  7. 2 weeks ago, I just wanted a white Christmas. Then I got greedy with all the model runs. Now, I’m back to just wanting a white Christmas.
  8. Catching up from 1:50pm - now as I work 2-10 weeknights…Izzi with one helluva write-up (even if a little premature).
  9. Ignorance here: Is this a list of storms that are comparable to the current one? Kinda like how you can compare current baseball players of similar statistics with hall of famers?
  10. The LP seems to moonwalk from Texas to New Mexico from HR66 to HR69. Bumped back east compared to 6z. LP near IL/IN border at 81hr.
  11. This thing is so robust that it jumped that far west & ORD still gets 10 inches in the end.
  12. The kuchera maps have the biggest light orange blob of land I’ve seen in a long time.
  13. This run puts 2 feet(!) of snow at my house at 10:1 ratios. Holy smokes. This cannot go any further west. (Narrator, later: It went further west.)
  14. You know there’s something good being tracked when you can basically feel the nervous tension before 0z (and 12z) models start releasing. It’s glorious!
  15. My job added two non-production days to our schedule this week, so I’m off until Jan. 3rd starting Wednesday instead of Friday. Turning out to be a major blessing in disguise with the timing of the storm, although it sucks massive jingle bells that they won’t be paid off days.
  16. Thursday AM is the start of things around the Chicago area, but I think there should be some flights allowed to be done; but don’t quote me. Friday would likely be cancel heavy if this verifies. You did the right thing, imo.
  17. I’m going to suggest to my wife asking/begging for a work-from-home setup for Friday. Thursday would be a *long* commute but it seems the absolute worst of the storm will kick in after 10pm Thursday.
  18. My wife drives an hour into Itasca every day for work. Idk if she’ll be able to come home on Thursday night; and based on those winds, Friday night seems questionable as well. Luckily there’s a hotel 3 minutes away from her job if that should happen.
  19. I didn’t think it was possible to experience something worse than GHD I. I remember those winds vividly, so violent.
  20. Here’s the more realistic 10:1 gif animation: And the awesome but unlikely Kuchera for the eye candy:
  21. I too would love to see this occur, even if it would make traveling to see my family in Chicago more treacherous.
  22. Midnight 12/22 - Midnight Christmas Eve, 12z GFS Even at 10:1 ratios, a great white Christmas for a good chunk of the subforum.
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