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Everything posted by AlexD1990

  1. We need our own sub, they're showing their asses in the main thread yet again. It's not the Stone age this side of the Bay bridge..
  2. What did I just say? Whether you like it or not, we are a part of this subform it even says it in the title of the subform. Sorry that offends you...
  3. You would still do well to recognize that we are part of the sub forum. If you don't like it, maybe we should be split off.
  4. I'm not sure what he's even talking about because I'm also in Southern Delaware and I'm certainly not expecting seven at this point. Don't be an ass. To be fair, we do have our own thread because let's be honest, everyone in this thread likes to pretend that civilization ends at the Bay bridge.
  5. It would be hilarious if just this once the models came back. Twisted, but hilarious. For everyone's mental health, I hope it happens. Good luck all
  6. The new march 2001? At least it wasnt 12 hours before this time.
  7. Honestly yes, if it's gonna be like this. Just strangle the damn thing
  8. I tried to warn him that showing his ass would have consequences...
  9. Ugh. I think we're close to being cooked north of SBY. Y'all in the deep south of the thread, enjoy.
  10. Do you ever wish we could just be excited about rain instead? It seems to be easier to get, at least comparatively
  11. @csnavywx do we even have a shot anymore? Or is this Norfolks biggest storm ever.
  12. To say that's disappointing is a understatement. Seems like it's not just the progression of Wednesday's storm that fell apart on guidance.
  13. So the "favorable period" that was supposed to last to 3/15 is dead?
  14. It's also clear that the eventual evolution of this system is highly dependent on delicate interactions at range. Small changes early on can have big implications for sensible ex down the road. It's been interesting to track today.
  15. And like the masochists we are, we'll continue to watch the models
  16. Snow on the beach/boardwalk in Rehoboth is a special experience. We drove into town for the last storm, and the whole city was beautiful. There's a big pile of sand by one of the beach entrances that I climbed with my dog at the height of the storm, and you could see all of Rehoboth Ave, the bandstand etc lit up with heavy snow falling. Purple parrot restaurant does snow parties too, fun locals vibe I'm still nervous that even we get shafted with another shift tho.
  17. Can't believe we're in a situation where a north trend wouldn't hurt
  18. Yeah, I'm surrounded by tall pine trees in a trailer, so not looking forward to that
  19. Even the disaster runs for most of the forum still show us getting like 5 to "6 as a floor. I was just worried that the de-amplification trend would continue and I guess it's still possible that it does. But it was nice to see the 6z runs stem the bleeding so to speak.
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