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Everything posted by AlexD1990

  1. Missed me by a few miles...friend nearly lost a roof. Pretty intense for this area Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  2. It's right on the cusp Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  3. Looks like it's trying to rotate too Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  4. I haven't started S3 of Picard, but I'm glad to hear it'll at least be watchable. The first 2 seasons were OK, but they never really "felt" like authentic Trek to me....Lower Decks I'll agree with you is great and does capture that "feel" more often, and if you've watched at least 2 different Trek series there are a ton of Easter eggs and homages to past shows that had me rolling more than once. It's nice to know that Trek can translate well to humor/animation, and still be able to pull it off. Have to agree with you on Disco, I tried multiple times, and just could never really get into it.....way overused the Mirror Universe trope, and the whole Red Angel thing was about where I just plain lost interest.....maybe one day I'll get around to watching the rest, at least from a completion standpoint. If you liked Lower Decks, you may also like Prodigy.... granted its geared towards kids, but I still feel like it has some really good writing, even if it feels just a little Star-Wars-y at times, I have thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless. Haven't seem SNW yet, but I have yet to hear anything bad about it, which is surprising considering how most 1st seasons of Trek shows usually go. DS9, no argument here. It rarely shows its age, and watches more like something written far more recently than 20+ years ago. Just about every plotline feels relevant, perhaps even more so in a post 9/11 world. Remains my favorite out of every Trek I've watched up to this point. "In The Pale Moonlight" is still to this day some of the finest writing I have ever seen in television, Trek or otherwise.
  5. for the love of God, don't listen to him. smoke a bowl, and we'll see you at 18z
  6. Like you predicted, everyone is loosing their heads over a OP run at range. Very interested to see the EPS. If it is similar to the GFS/GEPS disagreement, I feel we are still in good shape.
  7. This. Anoy of those other ones further out to sea raise a eyebrow, but that one
  8. I mean you're the expert, but I would feel that at this long a lead time, that having the OP disagree with it's own ENS would lend a little more credence to the ENS, no?
  9. Green snow lol. Happy St Patrick's Day! Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  10. only if it shows the surfing black guy on the 582 line.
  11. this might be the funniest thing I've seen in about 5 years on here.
  12. I dont think there is anyone on here that doesn't know that. That being said, your statistics do show that it is possible to have a large snow even this late in the season. Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  13. But can we overcome the WAR? Seasonal persistence and "Base State"(LOL) say no, or at best, thread the needle... EDIT: Ninja'd by Ralph
  14. It really came down for about 45 minutes. Ended up with a solid coating.
  15. At least it snowed...kinda. Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  16. I have such a hard time believing it, given seasonal trends...but it would be nice for sure.
  17. Are we still getting snow? Lol... Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
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