Ah, there's the hostility again. But why repeat yourself, good or bad? It's been said and now it's just variations on a theme. I don't disagree with what you're saying. You've been acting with a undertone of anger the past few weeks, and it just seems to me like your upsetting yourself more than anyone else. Maybe I read the room wrong. I have no intention of putting you on ignore. That function is for trolls like ji or manic depressives like maestro. I greatly enjoy your analysis, even if it becomes a little repetitive. But maybe it is time to adjust expectations in a big way, for all of us. I had hopes this kind of change would wait till I was a old man, but the planet seems to have other plans... I've said my piece, maybe I shouldn't have wasted the time to begin with, because I meant no disrespect or offence, so for that I apologize. I'll go back to lurking. .. Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk