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Everything posted by AlexD1990

  1. March '58 for Hampton Roads to Delmarva...lol....if only..
  2. That's a eyebrow raising statistic Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  3. I'm keeping an eye on it. Today's storm wasn't even on the radar at a similar time lead Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  4. So does anyone want to talk about the actual storm possibility this weekend? Or more babar talk. .... Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  5. I'm in chips fall mode. Dangerously close to the rain line, but that could end up being a good thing. I'm sick as a dog anyway so I'll see what's outside when I wake up Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  6. But guys, DT already said no more storms after tonight [emoji1787] Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  7. way to draw the 2-5" line up the street from my house
  8. Come on over! I'm ticked as hell I have a head cold, that I'll probably make worse by being out in this, lol
  9. we're about to back into a nice little event, at least some of us, right?
  10. toast that bread and its not half bad but then again i like to eat them like steaks...bread gets in the way
  11. There actually seems to be good overall agreement on most of the guidance leading in, with maybe Ukie as a drier outlier. Hopefully we don't see any rug pulls as we get closer. given the current outlook for the rest of winter, I'm happy to get what i can get.
  12. 90% of the sub would, it's even nice for us over here. I just want to see snow on the ground...
  13. Ah, there's the hostility again. But why repeat yourself, good or bad? It's been said and now it's just variations on a theme. I don't disagree with what you're saying. You've been acting with a undertone of anger the past few weeks, and it just seems to me like your upsetting yourself more than anyone else. Maybe I read the room wrong. I have no intention of putting you on ignore. That function is for trolls like ji or manic depressives like maestro. I greatly enjoy your analysis, even if it becomes a little repetitive. But maybe it is time to adjust expectations in a big way, for all of us. I had hopes this kind of change would wait till I was a old man, but the planet seems to have other plans... I've said my piece, maybe I shouldn't have wasted the time to begin with, because I meant no disrespect or offence, so for that I apologize. I'll go back to lurking. .. Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  14. You've said this a thousand different ways throughout winter. I get what you're saying. It's too warm. Nothings really going to change that at this point, though. Short of a Yellowstone supervolcano, the climate is going to continue to warm, and its just going to get harder to snow. but constantly reiterating that doesn't seem to be accomplishing much other than depressing yourself; and everyone who reads it. Maybe more people should read it, accept it, and move on(in some cases quite literally, somewhere further north...) and adjust expectations appropriately moving forward. As you said a few weeks ago, if things didnt work out. Well, looks like we are there.,
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