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Everything posted by AlexD1990

  1. looks like a new area forming on the north shore
  2. although lightning production is really ramping up
  3. you jinxed it lol, looks like its breaking up a bit
  4. couplet is going to move out of the warning polygon at this rate
  5. was just thinking that, this would be a great time to have some scans. any local TV breaking in with coverage?
  6. love to see whats happening on the tidal Anacostia. I bet there's a waterspout. definite lighting surge showing on radarscope
  7. ninja'd. reflectivity is uninspiring, but the velocity shows a nice little couplet.
  8. Got to be. Seabreeze rolling in on the Atlantic side in Rehoboth, but no initiation here for whatever reason.
  9. Weak rotation in this cell over the Bay? Maybe a waterspout south of the bridge...
  10. NOAA releases most aggressive May hurricane forecast ever: https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/05/23/hurricane-season-forecast-active-storms/
  11. Watched it from live on KFOR Livestream Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  12. Good lord. Went to the garden center, couldn't even think straight with the wind gusting in my face. So beyond sick of the wind .. Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  13. Tornado warning near Martinsburg Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  14. And there's the tornado warning Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  15. Storms down near Vienna kind of have that kidney bean look Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  16. is anyone west of the bay seeing clearing? Under a TOR Watch, but sitting at 49 with fog doesn't inspire confidence..
  17. Radar looks like a tropical storm Sent from my SM-F711U using Tapatalk
  18. Same over here, sounded like summer,.
  19. That may have been the most unhinged thing I've ever read on here, and I've been around since 2003.
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