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Everything posted by osubrett2

  1. Models kept waffling back and forth south of I-80. It looked like a last minute whiff, but my parents in Youngstown picked up a nice 4".
  2. I know living up by the lake causes pretty significant differences in weather, but it's been a pretty stark difference the past few days between Central/NE Ohio. I talked to my parents in Youngstown yesterday and they mentioned how it had been snowing for a while and they were stuck in the mid-20s. Meanwhile, we had bright, sunny, clear blue skies and temps in the low 40s. This morning, I saw a lot of places dropped down into the mid-teens (some even in the single digits), and we only bottomed out in the low-mid 30s just before sunrise.
  3. My parents ended up with just under 4" down in the Youngstown area. Didn't follow the Cleveland or Pittsburgh radar closely last night, but very surprised they saw that much.
  4. Youngstown did well as expected. My parents measured 8" with light snow still falling.
  5. As long as they can stay all snow, Youngstown looks to be the OH jackpot.
  6. http://www.weather.gov/cle/Winter_Weather Doesn't appear they have a map out yet. I would think tonight or tomorrow morning they'd release one.
  7. I live in Central Ohio, but will be in Ashtabula County all weekend for a wedding, so I'm semi-excited to see some flakes if it can materialize!
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