As someone who will be outside a bulk of the time from 6 AM til about 5 PM, I know that I'll be dressing in layers and sweating my ass off in the morning and then freezing my ass off in the evening.
Probably setting up for a big storm around the 17th followed by the Christmas week torch that cancels any chance of a White Christmas, just like it happened in 2020
I’ll take 50 and sunny the next 3 weeks while I deliver all your Christmas presents. I’m fine with mood flakes and an inch or two of snow after the 15th when all the cyber Monday stuff has long since been delivered. Let it rip and dump Boxing Day and beyond.
Currently in Aruba, can report off and on tropical downpours and I’ve seen the occasional lightning. Light rain now with no wind, the party still goes on.
83 degrees with light rain showers from 98L down here in Aruba. I have a feeling I’ll see rain again from this system considering I’ll be back in NY in 48 hours
To think I flew directly over DR 7 hours ago at 35,000 feet and it was a smooth ride. Was on an aisle seat so I didn’t exactly look out the window at the outer bands