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SI Mailman

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Everything posted by SI Mailman

  1. We just had snow, nothing stuck but the sidewalks are wet
  2. drove through that fog a couple of hours ago and it was thicc
  3. I was in the 30 inch jackpot for that one, still number one for me, well ahead of January 2016.
  4. Delivering mail and packages in short sleeves today
  5. Just had 30 seconds of flurries here on Staten Island
  6. I ended up working in short sleeves the back half of the afternoon, so it wasn't that cold.
  7. guessing wind will be an issue again for the parade.
  8. the best thing about falling back is that the model runs come out an hour earlier. It's much easier to stay up for the 0z EURO in the winter than it is in the summer.
  9. Went apple picking down in Colts Neck earlier while in shorts in late October. It felt surreal, especially given the changing fall foliage.
  10. Might have to put the AC unit back in my window at this rate.
  11. The Mets were playing the Cubs in the NLCS at CitiField that weekend. Game time temps were in the mid-30's. Coldest baseball game I've been to.
  12. I’ve only had about .02 inches since 11 am, so I’ve been able to deliver without a canoe today. 2.09 inch storm total so far.
  13. I’m gonna need a canoe to deliver my route tomorrow. I delivered in the Ida rains as they were cranking up and it was one of my worst experiences ever. If the bulk can be done by noon tomorrow, I’d appreciate it
  14. Only a 30 minute delay for my flight into EWR. About to board my plane here in MSY where it was a beautiful weekend outside of the thunderstorms that hit a few hours ago
  15. 1.03 inches at my weather station back home. 91/71/98 here in the French Quarter of NOLA
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