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About hardypalmguy

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Saukville, WI

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  1. Not even close to trolling. Every indicator is showing a warm pattern continuing that I can see and rather than discuss it people want to call names and dismiss. I’m here to discuss the weather. Sorry it’s warm.
  2. Without protection. There’s a guy in Cincinnati with needles and sabal minors unprotected for last several winters. Our climate will be more like Cincinnati in 30 years. Especially around the immediate shore.
  3. No I said our climate will be able to support in ground palm trees in 30 years. Not warming 30 degrees.
  4. The sun angle rapidly increases in February. That’s science.
  5. Hey man I appreciate your input but I disagree. January is cooked for the most part. MJO actually looks to move into the warmer phases pretty quickly based on January trends. Also the SSWE will dump the cold other side of the pole. The other thing is pattern persistence which has been a common thing since the summer. If I was a betting man I would bet on the same generalized thing continuing. Maybe better luck in February? Who knows though how much can be salvaged as we will have minuscule frost depths and a rapidly rising sun angle. .
  6. Lol at all the people that can’t handle reality and want to stick their heads in the sand while they beat their chests screaming into an echo chamber with like hiveminders. Sorry I have opposite views and can see what’s happening for what it is. And accept that. Midwest is warming. Faster than ever and I’m going to point out that truth. This place isn’t the Borg. You guys don’t control the narrative.
  7. lol, you're delusional if you think the warmth is being kicked out.
  8. March is gonna be way above normal. Nina springs are cold, not nino.
  9. Latest GFS breaks up cloud cover on Christmas Eve from 18z-00z, max temp 57, dews low 50s and modestly light winds. Could be a beautiful afternoon if all the cards fall into place. Stoked.
  10. Relentless. I might have palms outside unprotected all winter. Definitely gonna document this.
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