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Posts posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. What is SHM?

    (Well, they won't let me contact Deparmtnet of (8 skips, computer went black) of Justice. I have real work to do, and US mlitary servants stop me pretty much all the time now. oh well. They count and stuff, thick layers of energy, connected to everything. Started when I met a man, so it's prett bad actualy. 

    • Confused 4
  2. On 9/22/2021 at 10:30 PM, raindancewx said:

    This is from my winter outlook draft. Key word is draft. This is not necessarily representative of what I'll settle on by 10/10 when I finish up.

    If you're wondering if it is possible to get two severely cold, Plains centered, February cold outbreaks in a row, the answer is yes, and it's not actually that uncommon. The second year outbreak tends to be weaker though. I used 1936, 1978, 1994, 2018 as the match for last's year outbreak. Tentative idea is a more extreme version of Feb 1937, 1979, 1995, 2019 - i.e. similar spatial placement but much warmer in the south since you have strong long-term correlations to SE warmth in winter after -PDO Summers.

    We could get a cold January, but even that idea is fading. 

    • Weenie 1
  3. I don't know, are we really going to have a SSW in December? We have a higher than average chance for -NAO for the Winter, but 2017 and 2018 were record cold in the Stratosphere in December. El Nino/+QBO is perfect, but we are cooling back in the subsurface

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