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Posts posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. Pretty much the end of this La Nina, this is going to propagate east, and that's going to be the end, warming into the Spring. Surface may still cool, but the subsurface won't cool west of this anymore. Also, no consistency. March-May is Neutral. (these guys have frozen my page 8 diffeernt times, before I can press send and stuff  I hate that)


  2. 5 hours ago, It's Always Sunny said:


    Yeah like Ray said that was driven mainly be by persistent -EPO. Didn’t need a -NAO that winter lol. Also before I moved here Dallas got an ice storm & snow out of it too.


    So if the Super '15 El Nino started in the West, US (drought), I wonder if we are going to have west to east effects this round (round 2)

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    We are talking about a very negative PDO, 2014-2015 was very positive...that year was el nino, this is la nina, so you lost me on that. Believe me, I would be perfectly fine if things played out like that, though...

    Although it was El Nino the PDO was a greater SD before the 2015 El Nino.. 


    and then when the super El Nino started, it actually started to wane/shift -PDO a little


    • Thanks 1
  4. 19 hours ago, jaxjagman said:

    Nina looks pretty strong to me,looks similar back into late Oct when it peaked,i'd be surprised if this doesn't end up at a moderate Nina upcoming as cold as the subsurface is.The recent CCKW is helping this out with another being shown towards the end of the month,but it looks weaker than it did a few days ago

    I wouldn't be surprised if it warms up early Next Spring, we also started getting this Nino1.2 vs Nino 4 thing going in 2000. 

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