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Posts posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. Nice +PNA today, but we don't need the PNA in November, we need -NAO and after today it goes away, for it looks like 2 weeks.

    Oct -NAO, followed by Nov +NAO is followed by +NAO Winter 68% of the time (-58% Oct) (+62% Nov)

    Anyway, I feel that +PNA this November will just weigh on potential energy to amplify Dec-Mar -PNA

  2. 14 hours ago, snowman19 said:

    It looks like it gets real mild again by mid-November, nothing like October was, but definitely above normal….question is what happens at the end of the month going into early December?

    I wonder if we do a fake -QBO thing,, '89, '05, 16 years is '21. No, I think -PNA will blast it.

    (73-74 was a Strong La Nina [-16years], but Nov 15-Dec 15 was really cold pattern.. -NAO, -AO/EPO, otherwise it was really warm the rest of the Winter. 

    (1957 was El Nino Air temps and 500mb: https://ibb.co/8sg0VY5 https://ibb.co/Y20VVjL

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