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Posts posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. 1 hour ago, bluewave said:

    Models coming in stronger with the -PNA around Christmas. This allows a SE Ridge to form. We have been seeing this more in recent years even with a -NAO. The models correcting  stronger with the Aleutians Ridge allows a deeper trough in the Western US. 


    The last 21 -NAO's since March 2018 have had no power at all.. I think we are even average to slightly above average temps for that 300 day composite. Every single one has been with -PNA or +EPO, This one's going to do a +4SD -PNA, and probably end near average or above average as well. 

  2. GFS ensembles is reloading/strengthening -NAO at hr384 and it's reloading -PNA too. I think the reloading -PNA at 384hr is good because otherwise we may default quickly to +EPO. -PNA also keeps a lot of cold air in N.America (,but although that it sometimes than true, more times than not ~60% of the time SE ridge amplifies when that is the case). I do think we will see the Pacific shift in January, maybe Jan 5-10, and I mean as much of a flip as is possible with predominant -PNA cycle present. We seem to be in this law of averages-evening out thing, so there may be a +PNA period in Jan.


    Don't broadbrush the whole thing because it's Nina, just maybe expect less precip, as that has been the trend since the Summer anyway. 

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  3. +3 popping up the western subsurface.. ENSO subsurface vs 4-5SD -PNA in December is a -PNA signal for Jan-Feb 2023, and that tends to coincide more with La Nina than El Nino (April-May on). 

    2010 is the only other year that had such a strong December -PNA (300dm) vs 230dm[2nd], and this is how it evolved.

    2011 -1.4 -1.2 -0.9 -0.7 -0.6 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.1 -1.0
    2012 -0.9

    We will beat 2010 for number 1 this December.

  4. Furthermore, El Nino's that missed it, and had a -3SD> December -PNA vs ENSO state include 1957, 65, 72, 97, and the following February (Feb 2023 analog)fwiw -PNA next year maybe. I also mention this because the other 2 times 6th year after Strong El Nino, 7th year broke it(this shows not). ^(for ENSO analogs) subsurface ENSO is Kelvin Wave/warm-neutral now(El Nino slight analog, -PNA is 3-4SDsvsENSO right now: -PNA signal next Jan-Feb)



  5. 22 minutes ago, NEG NAO said:

    Let's talk about the potential Strat Warming event developing later in the month:

    Whoa! It might be hard for the NAO to go negative late month. The last few runs of GFS ensembles have kind of backed off a little. 

    • Confused 3
  6. 32 minutes ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    Hmm...Is it wrong that I wish we woulda had this NOT in a nina? Lol Cause ya kinda know that even with tanking AO/NAO we'll still be fighting enso...but perhaps, as psu mentioned in his outlook, this means a still below average but not as crappy nina. But dang what we wouldn't have given for that a couple years ago!

    La Nina is weakening, and there should be a PNA shift around Jan 15th. 


    It will be hard to do -PNA with that subsurface structure in the 2nd half of Winter.  

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