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Posts posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. Strongest -PNA probably on record now.. I don't know about the early 1900's, but I think that was mostly +PNA/+PDO. late 1800s maybe. For this time of the year, Dec 1955 and 2010 hold 2nd and 3rd place, both Strong Nina's. As I guessed, central and eastern subsurface have cooled +0days with -PNA pattern. 

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  2. Pink on the GFS ensembles now through 168hr 7 days. I've been watching these long term models every day since probably 2001, and I've never seen that deep and long of a 500mb anomaly. And, it's at 55N degrees! 

    Some perspective: Dec 1 - Jan 3 will come in at +380dm. In 75 years Since 1948:

    2. is +280 in 2010

    3. is +230 in 1955. 

  3. 1 hour ago, psuhoffman said:

    Problem with that is you’re taking only one factor in isolation. There are radically different results mixed in there. What you’re seeing is that years with a super -PDO AND a pos AO/NAO the pattern is such a torch it outduels the -pdo/-AO years in the means. I have no doubts if the AO flips back positive for the remainder of winter we are screwed. I’ve said many times we NEED NAO help in a Nina. But if, big if, we get the NAO to be cooperative at times that changes the metric and what years in that large sample are most relevant. 

    Yeah, a +100dm/-70dm signal of 20 analogs(/75) over a 3-month period is really strong. (only 3/90 days of the sampleset is in the roll forward)

  4. I think we will switch PNA phases Jan 5, 10, or 15. Maybe later because the 384hr model has +300dm nearly still. NAO has been like a blotch since August, meaning the normal climate pattern was less -NAO, and it's like the -NAO has been pasted there. That may continue? We have been so opposite of last year, I love hugging that right now, but we had a monster -NAO last January, top 4 west-based -NAO on record actually, since 1948. I wonder if the NAO/AO trends positive when the -PNA lessens? 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Great Snow 1717 said:

    ..the point is there are no signs of a long lasting winter pattern setting up. And that some individuals continue to ignore/.downplay  what the pattern(s) has been producing for months.

    November was cold and October was -NAO 

  6. Most -PNA's for Dec 1- Jan 3 .. this year will be #1 of all time by a good 20%. It's a tough pattern to break, but I think we will break this mid-Jan and maybe Feb with more +PNA, because of subsurface ENSO trends, and our ongoing opposite tendency to last year. This +100/-70 as a 20-analog composite of 3-months is a strong very strong baseline signal. 

    v Jan 1-Mar 31, my dataset ends Jan 3. 



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