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Posts posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. Biggest January snowstorms I could find, surprisingly all +6-8 days from our event.


    Take out the Strong El Nino and it looks like this


    -AO or west-based -NAO seems to be the core feature. ^-NAO SLP is strong in 6 analogs. Ridge over the northern landmass, that's all

  2. This is what I like, personally. If not this February, next February.





    Believe it or not, but if we go +PNA this February, we will be more likely to have La Nina conditions next Winter or -AAM(+NAO), but a -PNA February would be in line with movement toward +ENSO conditions, and there would be a significant warming of Nino3.4 February or March. 


  3. There's nothing to drive it north inland, it will redevelop off the coast pretty far south

    f108 (3).gif

    It's not a very cold storm though, but likely snow NW I-95. 


    -NAO, Pacific is favorable.. This H5 is not an inland runner. Pacific ridge is peaking north.. the Low in Canada may even phase more. 108 is big adjustments still. 

    -NAO storms gravitate toward the coast. 

    • Weenie 1
  4. Some of these solutions are really wet, and we still have time to trend for a perfect scenario. It's going to be hard to rain I-95 and NW with -NAO. Storms for the last 10-20 years have been maxing NW of I-95, I wouldn't expect an Apps track. 


  5. 1 hour ago, wdrag said:

    Unsure if anyone posted but CPC has some interesting possibilities for 19th-22nd including a chance of heavy snow basically Chicago to New Haven northward and a high prob of very cold air invading the upper Midwest. 


    I like this for our biggest snow of the year, then it will warm up -PNA, but may be -NAO too into Feb-March-April. I really like -PNA March. 

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