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Posts posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. Today's storm is just EPO, -EPO with a slight trough over water south of it, it's not even NAO.. NAO is + actually with ridge over northern Europe. I keep saying this. We are getting our best winter storms in +NAO. (I think the issue is a normal -NAO goes +600dm-900dm, to extreme for average kind of a thing). Or it could be the 50/50 low theorem, where you have a low pressure parked to the north

  2. 4 hours ago, donsutherland1 said:

    The ENSO Region 1+2 anomaly was -1.7C for the week centered around April 13th. That is the coldest anomaly for that timeframe since weekly records were kept beginning in 1982. The prior mark was -1.4C in 1994.

    I feel like we are going strongly toward El Nino (climo stats), this is a pretty strong opposite push, --/+

  3. 3 hours ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

    You promised a -PNA all winter and we had Z near continuous +PNA from Jan 1 through March.

    But …. -PNA all the way!!! Next 27 winters!!!

    How much snow? I said the Pacific 1/3 would even out +650dm December..no alarms. 2010 did the same thing, for the Winter it was very RNA. 

  4. Just now, bluewave said:

    Record -PNA trough out West is taking a bunch of trees down in Portland with the historic late season snowfall.



    1948/9-1951, great analog for -PNA evolution right now (ENSO-PNA). Yesterday's 12z GFS had 5-7 straight days of snowfall in Seattle, I checked the forecast though and it was Upper40s/low50s, rain throughout. 

  5. I love it. No Low pressures in the SW on an exponential logarithmic scale, +, 1995 0.20, 2000 0.40, 2010 0.50, 2013 0.65, 2015 0.75, 2017 0.78, 2018 0.80, 2019 0.82, 2021-2, 0.90. Something to watch out for in the next few Winter's. I think it's correlation is strong. 



    9 straight Winter's above normal in the SW. 


    • Weenie 1
  6. The Hadley Cell really flexed this Winter, we had a +180dm N. Pacific anomaly, when the average for a Weak-Nina is +60dm+60dm 30% error. I think that general energy potential should extend into the Atlantic Hurricane season, keeping warm SSTs/calmer conditions generally farther north through the season. ENSO state is the wild card. 




  7. SW, US High pressure/temps severely lead us here, relative to time,(warm 2 months = warm +2-4months later here, 2 years = 3rd year, etc, it's like ~68%/50). This warm SW has established since 2000, but really picked up in the last 1.5 years, dominate High pressure despite -PNA, other drivers. I think we will see a streak of warm Winter's, El Nino is the only thing that can save us. 

    • Haha 1
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