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Everything posted by MDstorm

  1. Yup....Chiefs go down in flames. In other news, a win by the Cowboys vaults them to the top of the powerhouse NFC East.
  2. Lol..... Gumbel called Lamar Jackson, “Murray” again and then asked himself, “why do I keep calling him Murray?” Really bad.
  3. Delta may come to your rescue in about a week.
  4. They seem to growing them big this year. Found this on my garage door last night.
  5. Torrential downpour part 2 occurring now.
  6. Torrential downpour came rolling through over the last 20 minutes.
  7. Nice picture. Shortly after that picture was taken, a tornado hit my neighborhood. Can’t believe 4 years has flown on by.
  8. With the way our winters have been lately, that device could double as your “snow blower”.
  9. I was just a young tot when Secretariat did his thing, so I never saw it live. However, it still rates very high on my awesome scale. I have attended a few Preakness events, but I was not at the ‘89 race. Probably a lucky thing as after partying in the infield for several hours, by the time The Preakness runs, everything is usually a blur. I saw the ‘89 race on TV and it was a truly awesome gut-check race.
  10. Speaking of horse racing...... this race below has to be one of the greatest athletic feats of all time. Just amazing!
  11. I am stopping by as I get a quick break from fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. I work in the Baltimore area and I can tell you that the hospitals with which I am affiliated are doing fairly well. In fact , hospital census is on the lower end as many people are avoiding the ER/hospitals with issues that they previously may have gone in for. Also, many surgeries have been postponed ( I even had one patient whose cardiac bypass surgery was postponed due to the COVID-19 situation). The ICU's are not overrun as of yet. Hydroxychloroquine is being used somewhat liberally in higher risk patients. Anecdotally, I have seen good results with this medication. In fact, the last 10 patients with COVID-19 that I have dealt with are recovering well (some hospitalized/some treated at home). I will also say that for every 1 patient that I have sent for testing that tests positive for COVID-19, there are about 7 patients that test negative (there are other "bugs" going around). Of course, this is an evolving situation and the next 1-2 weeks could certainly see things worsen. Wearing full PPE for work is something that I never thought I would experience...….just surreal. Everyone stay safe.
  12. Flurries in Pikesville. Heaviest event this February.
  13. Had some pea sized hail come through. Best accumulation since early January.
  14. Relative to what the EPS control usually spits out for this area, that map is a virtual shut-out.
  15. Really sorry to hear about your sister. Shock Trauma at Univ of MD is world class (I've worked there). She will be in good hands.
  16. Are you sure that you are being paid enough for your new green tag job?
  17. KC showing The Ravens how you really take care of business (stay true to yourselves and do what you are good at). Bye, bye Titans
  18. Deck officially covered. What an event!!
  19. I understand what you are saying and I agree that there should be further good seasons ahead. However, extra time off/injuries/overachievement during the regular season doesn’t really excuse the uninspired turd that The Ravens dropped last night. Andy Reid has his team under control.... Harbaugh, not so much.
  20. I hope that The Ravens are watching the KC/Houston game and see what a truly good team is supposed to do when down early.
  21. Although The Ravens lost, the stats are pretty amazing. The Ravens doubled up The Titans in terms of total yards, number of plays, and first downs. They also had a significant advantage in time of possession. It wasn’t like The Titans defense was stifling. The Ravens just forgot how to score points. Some poor coaching/play calls in critical situations, turnovers (thanks , Lamar), and the inability for Wink Martindale to come up with any answer to The Titans’ one dimensional offense killed The Ravens. A better prepared/coached and disciplined team like, The Chiefs (assuming they get past The Texans), could handle The Titans.
  22. This is where coaches really earn their money. Can the Ravens’ game plan be properly adjusted to counter what Tennessee has done during the first half? The Titan’s defense is not THAT good.
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