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Daniel Boone

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Everything posted by Daniel Boone

  1. Looks like the Nam is either suggesting somewhat of a downsloping effect for the great Valley or just a bit of a warmer heat build up as sometimes does happen in that area even minus the downsloping affect. However, with the more expansive and stronger ULL, probably Downsloping.
  2. Winter of 76-77 was similar as far as cold(actually colder January) and being out of School but, although snow was on North facing and shady areas from early Dec. To Mid Feb.. the total was much less with just over 30". The River in Pennington gap froze solid and was snow covered .
  3. 77-78 my all time favorite. 72 inches ! The ground was covered from early December until the end of February. I remember being out of school over a month, going back 1 day the end of January only to be out another 3 weeks !
  4. With the predicted 500 MB features progged, conditions will be ripe for a major Winter Storm.
  5. Hopefully Euro comes inline with the American Suite. It does have a bit of warm bias so, if the lower amounts are based on that and not proximity of System then we may all be still looking at half way decent amounts with its depiction. Just add higher Ratios of maybe 2 to 3. Hopefully, the further North model solutions will verify. Euro could be just under forecasting qpf, particularly on northern flank as John alluded to irt southern branch systems this season.
  6. I'm in hopes the models are off on this coming week enuff in that we still get some snow before the Arctic intrusion. Still possible I think due to blocking as has been the case a couple times this Winter.
  7. Currently at Officially 20" here near Jonesville, Va in Lee County. We've had the most snow this year than we've had since 2015.
  8. But, how's phase 7 with blocking ? That's what the model's will have trouble with.
  9. If there's flow problems, it does make you wonder if others are affected. If so, makes sense the sudden fluctuations.
  10. Excellent post and points John ! The slight trajectory difference has really affected here. Only a dusting since the half inch this morning! Downsloping from Mountains along KY border apparently. Temp down to 27.6. . Odd, regardless in that Kingsport and back to Morristown is cashing in more. No real upslope area there. Maybe the residual moisture along with warmer ground over there allowing development.??. Anyway, glad for you guys. You deserve it, even if my home fails with this one.
  11. A half inch here now. Had a light dusting at 5:30 this morning as very fine light snow was falling. Continued that way untill a moderate band moved thru a little while ago with dime and nickles.
  12. Accublunder did like CPC a few days ago and pulled the trigger on what looked like the mjo going warm phases. Accublunder also going with Nina Climo.
  13. Remember the Feb. 98 one well. We were supposed to of got that one. Only got lt accs. The ULL pulled everything further west.
  14. Wound up with another half inch. At least what was able to measure. Probably was more but, wasn't up to see or measure it. Total, 1.1 inches.
  15. Here's another. Had to screenshot these so, look over that flaw. Have these photos somewhere on a drive but, would have to find. Btw, this particular snowfall that fell on the 21st was about 15" . 19" was recorded just north of town at the base of stone Mountain. There was 22" on ground at photo location at time captured. It was waist deep in northern sections of the county .
  16. Picked up a half inch in 40 minutes. Just a few small flakes now. Here's a couple shots just after heavy batch ended.
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