To add some enlightment to that. For NOAA/CPC to put EC over us is a great sign. Hard for them to do that even without La nina. If the block is formidable during January and we get the MJO go slowly thru cold phases, that ec will be bn and possibly encompass areas further east as well.
As we all know, even if Canada were to go milder than avg. that air funneled down here would still be cold for us. Even the sour winter of 2001-02 featured the right setup in early Jan and Canada was very mild. We still received a significant snowfall during that in much of the area.
Just thought I'd throw that out there to strengthen the positive about the likely looking 500 mb pattern. Not saying Canada goes mild but that has been known to happen . Doesn't look likely this time though.
I agree with Carvers totally in that IF that Pattern continues to be advertised, Models will adjust colder.