This is one apparent tough testing for the Models as well as Forecasters. I will say, last Winter nearly all SR Models had us here in Lee County the recipient of DS and very little snow with pretty much all events, other than the Christmas one of which DS wasn't in play. We totalled nearly 30" for the Season. I think I came up with around 9" if the Mods had been right based on the SR runs right b4 onset of the Snow.
I think low onset dp's and rates had alot to do with it as have witnessed the other extreme i.e, Jan.- 23-16 Storm of which a mix that transitioned to snow with just a 4 inch amount occured with some areas close by receiving much more. Ds off High Knob was culprit.
Carvers earlier points regarding who gets what and how much based on what is on the money I think. If that makes sense,lol