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Daniel Boone

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Everything posted by Daniel Boone

  1. 2.8" storm total here. Still snowing lightly. Interestingly , only about an inch of snow occurred from the storm here as mix yesterday with that being light and the heavy bands completely missed here . Clipper produced the most.
  2. Wise, Va Cam :http://www.mcs.uvawise.edu/~webcam/hkc/hkc640480.jpg
  3. Began snowing here at 6 then went to mix around 7. Been mainly sleet freezing rain since with a few big flakes occasionally.A heavy dusting. 2 tenths. T. 32.2
  4. Was the nam warm bias corrected with the latest upgrades ? It used to have about a 2c bias in this area.
  5. Agree...better to alert than not even if it went the no show snow way. I think they are doing as u say and also afraid of crying wolf.
  6. They're going from early morning runs and as we all know, their own opinions and biasis. I can see the caution within the great Valley but, not there.
  7. Probably take a well known path up the great Valley. Rich get richer. Central Tn into Ky special
  8. Hope u cash in....uh, unless it's strip, lol
  9. Just looking at the GFS Map. It could be the transfer with it suggesting a void of sorts develops as energy rapidly transfers east.
  10. WCYB always undercuts modrls amounts. Even when all models go for say 4 to 6, they'll always go less.
  11. Can u believe that "snowless" stripe!??? Lol. Ds is never that prominent up n2 West Va.. Something amiss there.
  12. One of the biggest issues in the grand scheme is not getting the truly cold Canadian air down here that's been hanging out and mainly being shunted b4 getting to our Latt. Many of us can remember systems that tracked in a similar fashion as this one that we all still received a decent snowfall, due to much colder air involved ; in place as well as backside caa.
  13. Yeah, if it doesn't trend away from that it sure is not looking good for the great Valley. Need that shift back south and east.
  14. From what I gather WCYB in Bristol used the IBM Model.
  15. Exactly man ! Lol. How embarrassing on their part. What's going on with them. It's a shame what's happened to many "pro's" these days.
  16. 15 to 20" here b4 changeover with that one. Alot of structure damage.
  17. This is one apparent tough testing for the Models as well as Forecasters. I will say, last Winter nearly all SR Models had us here in Lee County the recipient of DS and very little snow with pretty much all events, other than the Christmas one of which DS wasn't in play. We totalled nearly 30" for the Season. I think I came up with around 9" if the Mods had been right based on the SR runs right b4 onset of the Snow. I think low onset dp's and rates had alot to do with it as have witnessed the other extreme i.e, Jan.- 23-16 Storm of which a mix that transitioned to snow with just a 4 inch amount occured with some areas close by receiving much more. Ds off High Knob was culprit. Carvers earlier points regarding who gets what and how much based on what is on the money I think. If that makes sense,lol
  18. As I have mentioned on here before. We've officially recorded -20's for lows here and a minus 4 for a high twice. so, 0 this go around at some point seems a real possibility.
  19. Right with you brother. Been warning folks here of the possibility.
  20. My thoughts are that the models are factoring in the dry air. Even with the earlier further north solutions. Those wfo's were all looking at those further north earlier solutions during those discussions. Did any of them remark at all about low dps. ? I dont think so. Really surprises me. In light of the south trend and more evident cooler, drier air starting to be shown, I wonder how their next discussion will be.
  21. Ive noticed that with the GFS. Odd too that it went from almost always showing a snowhole to the opposite.!. Really strange. If an arctic airmass were dropping down ahead of it and was retreating, ala., Feb. 21, 2015 I can see this outcome. There is one other time something similar did happen and there wasn't an arctic mass involved. Dec. 5, 2002. The lp actually was in western Ky. The cad areas got slammed as that lp transferred to off vbeach. I lived in Jonesville then and it began snowing at 9. A.m. with the temp 32. It came down heavy b4 changing to rain around 1. Measured 5 inches.
  22. Yeah. I agree. There's really no mechanism to cause that. A cutoff low or a very rare Appalachian Storm instance, yeah. But, not this setup. Doesn't make sense.
  23. Yeah, if that 12 to 15 heavy wet snow did occur here. Lights out for sure. Can u believe western KY ?!
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