Excellent points Carver's . Glad you posted those.
Odds do favor milder than avg. for particularly the eastern forum obviously as the Pac is a big Driver. Solar definitely not good either. As mentioned many times, and we all basically know, what we need to alter the canonical Nina Pattern is a formidable -NAO. Saw a post on MA Forum about 2 Winter's with similar aspects as this Nov. irt pattern and indexes. Analogues; 1978-79 and 85-86.
Both were good Winter's snow wise here . Both featured dominant blocking. 78-79 was a record cold one for the Nation as a whole. Every continental US State was below average except for Maine and Florida !
85-86 featured slightly below avg Temps here with above average Snowfall. Area's SE of us were above average Temperature. Incidentally, it was a third Year Nina as well. Great Analogue.