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Daniel Boone

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Everything posted by Daniel Boone

  1. Oh yeah for sure. I was just agreeing with John in that with all the Cold there should have been more Snow. We hit Average Seasonal here , slightly above if you go by the NWS Calculations of adjusting every Year. Glad everyone had at least a decent Season. Still a chance of adding on .
  2. 19.7" here. Mainly a bunch of Penny and Nickle Event's.
  3. 7 here this morning. Clouds hung in much of the night with some light flurries.
  4. Yeah, I was thinking that as I replied about the possibility of it getting the MA then got to thinking there is a weakness that the large NS Low could shoot NE through and allow the SS one to cut some.
  5. Yeah, really pleasing to the SE peeps. What looked like early in as being basically a snowless, SER dominated Winter turned out quite the contrary. Those late Fall near record to warmest Winter on Record Forecasts busted big time. In all fairness, I was one that thought that would be the case as well. I think 99% of us did. The writing was on the Wall with all the Driver's pointing to that at the time. The PDO was the biggest change imo that flipped things. Rapidly went from strong negative to slightly positive. The +QBO was expected to basically keep the AO and NAO positive but, that wasn't the Case. I wonder what might have been had it been negative.?. The MJO was expected to hang in warm phases due to the Nina and PDO. That didn't happen either. What Nina there was, was later developing than Forecast. An interesting Winter to study for sure. A good Project for you Larry.
  6. Yeah. Couple more chances at least before the fat lady sings. March is the month historically of the real Big Dogs. Man, wouldn't it be nice to end with one of those. That would really uplift and satisfy us all.
  7. That would work even well to the South. That verbatim nay even be more of a Tn Valley southern Apps mauler. If that Southern System moved due east , by the looks of that it would probably then cut ene and hammer the MA. At least the lower MA
  8. I agree completely man. Should of been a banner snow season.
  9. Eas down to 12 here couple hours ago and then wind began picking up some along with some clouds and it went back up to 14.
  10. At 19.7" for the Season here now. Usually you get more there but a couple further east systems worked out for here. Blunder is close to 30 inches now in Lebanon in Russell County.
  11. It's not showing the Cuban Cigar heat ridge the other's are by then.
  12. Definitely the best Model for our area.
  13. Picked up an inch and a quarter of new snow overnight. Total of 4.5 inches.
  14. If Today's Euro Weeklies are right going to be a slow start to the mowing Season. Not good news for those in the Construction or Lawn Care Business. The latter moreso.
  15. I saw on the Cam over there where they had got shafted.
  16. Exactly. Heat still built up in surfaces. My paved Driveway lost most of it's snow from melting. Solar through the cloud's has done some though as more cover remains in the shaded area.
  17. We still have a shot at a Major Snowstorm. March is our month for Big Dog's.
  18. I think 1-2" SWVA NETN Valley tonight as high Ratios should do it. May be more in spots and higher elevations.
  19. Just measured 3.2" here. Snow stopped about half hour ago. May get another inch or two of fluff tonight.
  20. It's definitely got some qpf issues. Seems to be since last upgrade.
  21. Those were over here too. Looked like Mamatus. I was thinking how Weird .
  22. They've told me that's what they use. From a logical standpoint you'd think it's the right way to go but, several rather poor Models get factored in and makes it not so great.
  23. Hit 38 here today but had a period of Sun mid to late Morning.
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