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Daniel Boone

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Everything posted by Daniel Boone

  1. Yep. I remember that Study by Wes. Miss him posting regularly. He's one of the best.
  2. Good, unbiased work as usual Larry. Much appreciated!
  3. Yep. Kalikimikimaka (sp.?) is Hawaiian's way of saying Merry Christmas to you. Lol
  4. Yeah, 12z GFS went to a Cutter. Not surprised as it'll probably throw out every possible Solution until Game time. I'm not getting my hopes too high and being completely confident until around the 28- 30th or so and 80% of all Ensemble Members are showing the near perfect Pattern, as have been burned too many times. Not being a Debbie downer just a Realist. I do think we are in for a colder January than we've had in quite some time but, still may be back and forth. If blocking does materialize then those extended very cold / snowy solutions may very well verify. The +QBO is what has me skiddish irt that however.
  5. 33 for the high here. Pretty cold but not unusual.
  6. Yeah, hopefully things come together and we wind up with a snowier than Average Winter for a change. Just lioking at Radar, had the Trough been 100-150 Statute Miles further west we'd still be getting a barage of lake enhanced Snow Showers. Upon second thought, lol, really, had the storm off the coast developed further West we'd be getting that. Of course one could argue the point that that's a product of too far esst Trough.
  7. A bit surprised as woke up to about a half inch on the board and grass this Morning.
  8. CPC had some cold Analogues in the Package. A couple not great but, the rest were. 95-96 and 84-85 in there as couple Tops. Only bad one was 01-02.
  9. Busted Forecast with this one for sure ! I was hoping for at least a half inch. West Virginia came out great. It appears Models had the precip estimated to be further Southwest. Also, upslope dynamics not as good as was projected. Steeper lapse rates needed. As John alluded to, lower level moisture just not reaching the DGZ.
  10. Icy here now as well. Freezing Mist has everything coated in Ice. A few stray rather small flakes mixed in. 29.6 currently.
  11. Yeah, that is the fear with the Pattern. The Troughiness we've been getting has really been too far East so far. We really need at least some blocking, NAO or WAR imo to help back the Trough with what liiks to possibly be a default Winter Pattern. Could be, if Nina exerts it's affects more later on it will actually help position the Trough further West.
  12. An off and on mix of lt rain and graupel started here around 1:30. Turned to all light snow (graupel and flakes) about an hour ago. More of light flurries currently. Heavier to my east on Wallen Ridge about a mile south of Pennington. Almost whited out eyeballing from here . About a mile and a half as crow flies. High was 38. Currently 30.5.
  13. John, I finally checked my Stations Stats for the Month. As of midnight we are 3.8 below average Ts for December. So, right along with yours there.
  14. Larry can provide you with stats but, actually Ph. 7 nearing 8 into the COD can work out great for the SE.
  15. Great Post man ! Good analysis extrapolating on what he said and how you see February. Makes sense.
  16. https://x.com/webberweather/status/1869018465316593852?t=jocmMGKx3f6w0d13ARnfag&s=19 https://x.com/webberweather/status/1869020600770994313?t=4Zs54JnWc3Y_XVQapJTx6Q&s=19
  17. Hopefully, it's wrong but, I don't know. The GFS/GEFS schooled the other's with the pattern before and through Christmas. They caved to it.
  18. Yeah, sickening really. Other side of Pole below Average. CPF will bring that over if it sets back up but, by the time it mixes with all the warmth it'll probably just bring Temps down to Average wherever it does go. Hopefully, it does set back up and hang before upstream blocking set's up. Some indication the Strat may initiate that so, we definitely don't want blocking set up before cold gets reestablished as it would just lock in the mild air in Canada and the US.
  19. I'll check my stats in a bit but, I'm thinking around -4 here as well .
  20. By Months end, it looks like the Month will Average warmer than Average once again. As Carvers alluded to above, the cold shot Friday and Saturday will keep us below for a few days. Strong warming commences just after Christmas that should push us above. So, really not alot above but...
  21. Really, never happens anymore. Many moons ago it occasionally did .
  22. Cohen noted in his write-up that Canadian strat. warming is being advertised. That happened last January and worked against us. He's saying he expects it to dump the Cold into Europe. Hopefully, it as is the case with some SSW'S does opposite this time.
  23. My bad. I left out forecasted temps for Siberia. Actually shows in the EPs Run the negative departures there then.
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