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Daniel Boone

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Everything posted by Daniel Boone

  1. Steady moderate snow here in Pennington gap now. Made a run out to get a Pizza. Roads are snow covered in area's.
  2. Area stretching back to Nashville filled in and has heavier bands . Looks to be heading across your area up into mine. Also that back system appears to be sliding ese and looking healthy. If stays together we still may wind up with several inches.
  3. The Northern System over Illinois pulled moisture north into it. Areas in Indiana , Illinois and Ohio are getting more than forecasted. The precip area with the southern System stayed predominantly South.
  4. At least that front runner band dumped you a couple inches. The heavy precip to our South is not being pulled North. The System to our NW is slowly dropping SE and is consolidating moisture west of here up into it. We needed a stronger phase of the two. Or the NW System been a little faster so they could of phased better. As is , it's causing clusters in between the two and leaving voids.
  5. It's looking like the area that looked like would be the big Winner may get the least. Cumberland Plateau. Who woulda thunk it. !.*"!
  6. I agree. Hopefully everything with start to mesh soon.
  7. Another aspect to note; a large solid area has moved up into Illinois .Mo and Indiana. A full consolidated Phase with the Southern LP doesn't look to have occurred , at least just yet.
  8. The outer Band that developed and moved up through SWVA and SEKY is pulling Moisture into it while the main precip area is consolidating in it leaving a void between them sadly. We just got a little over a quarter of an inch with the front Band while Norton has close to 2 inches from it now. I feared that might happen when that out front area developed earlier but was hoping the solid area would just catch up and fill in.
  9. Snow started at at 11 sharp. Saw it first start atop Wallen Ridge just south of Pennington gap at 10:30.
  10. It as well as the Nam 3k always underestimate Snowfall Amounts here in Lee County.
  11. 10 here this Morning. I'm sure area's in the lower Valleys were lower especially the deeper snow covered parts of the County.
  12. Almost entire lower 48 colder than average. Looks MJO Ph 1 footprint alot. Of course, that could be just coincidence.
  13. Thing is, there is except for the Nam Nest and it still manages more ACCS than their Map for much of the Area.
  14. I may end up being low on my 6-10" with foot Lollipops Call if this thing comes in more juiced like SRM's are showing. I'll stick for now though as GFS and NAM keep me in check.
  15. Yeah really, lol. I just saw their accs map. Not updated since 3 something this morning and have relatively low amounts shown compared to what data is showing now.
  16. Yeah, it was on the day before Christmas break started here. They had to turn school out early. We only got around 4 inches that day but, your area got more. There were some large Flakes I recall.
  17. Also, thinking back, wasn't that December similar to this one albeit a bit colder and snowier ?
  18. Several Arctic fronts went through that Month as well. Also some Valley wide Snow storms( 4-6 inchers)
  19. I was just thinking earlier today that this January is reminding me of the early 80's one's. 4 rather duds in that list ; 2008, 2009, 1991 and 1999. The other's were all good. All four of the duds were Nina's. I wonder if that was factored into the Equation. ?.
  20. Wound up with an inch and a half of fluff Today.
  21. Hopefully wrong but, does happen. If the Low intensifies enough adequate moisture should still make it North. That along with the GL phasing Lp carrying moisture already within should still support at least a probable 3-6" Snowfall in the Great Valley. Without Storms along Gulf robbing moisture transport we could be looking at a Valley wide 6-10" with a lolipop of a foot imo. . The Blizzard in '93, '96 etc had Storms all along the Gulf before it's adjacent front passed those area's and Heavy Snow stiill streamed well ahead of them. Of course, their strength and dynamics were through the roof but, strong enough pull,lift and internal moisture can still work with a decent phasing System as well.
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