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Daniel Boone

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Everything posted by Daniel Boone

  1. That '69-70 looks scrumptious here in far western Va..
  2. Step in step with you on your Lr thoughts Jeff ! Very good and sound reasoning in layman's terms ! The only slught difference in my thoughts is the snowfall for mon-tue. I suspect areas along ky-va border should pick up a general 1-3" . Of course, this area is not your area of expertise.
  3. 26 here this morning with heavy frost.
  4. Nothing to the snow in October, winter over thing. Several October's featured snow here and the Winter was cold/snowy. Of course, most of us know this. However, there are those that really believe that "rule". Lol.
  5. Received a light dusting of snow on vehicles here last night.
  6. I remember those well too John. Had those recorded in my records of which got misplaced during relocation. Don't know why those didn't come to mind. Only snowed once here oct. 95 . Recorded 1.5" Halloween 93 with about 2" the 1st of Nov. . Jan. 94 was cold here but only received 1 significant snow. 7 inches. 95-96 ; 52 inches.
  7. I can remember October 1976 being one of the coldest on record as was November and the Winter became the famed frigid Winter of 77. The following Winter had an early severe cold blast that brought snow to even the lower elevations on the 13th of October. However, the rest of the month was rather mild as was early November . Things changed abruptly after the 20th and Dec thru mid March was cold and snowy. So, there are exceptions to the cold October =mild winter, cold November =cold winter rule. Of course, we are in a different era climate wise now and of all the years of record, odds favor the cold November cold Winter rule .
  8. Picked up 1.07" here from a Tstorm yesterday. Broke 22 day dry streak.
  9. We pretty well knew this would happen, unfortunately.
  10. Yeah, kmrx was wrong on the heaviest axis 2day as it has setup through seky/swva. .93 here as of 2:30 pm...some areas along the border already at 1.5+ inches 2day alone.
  11. The MJO has been and may still be the thorn in our side as it's now projected to go back into warm phases. Hopefully HL blocking will kick in and Trump or mitigate it's effects.
  12. Most guidance has us anywhere from 12 to 20 inches. Of course that's 10.1 ratio.
  13. First flakes began here in Jonesville just before 10 and is currently snowing moderately. Ground covering. Temp. 33.
  14. That is more than likely way underdone !
  15. Winter 95-96 Wise, Virginia set state seasonal snow record , 123.4 inches! recorded 52 inches at my local. That feb. storm was followed by record cold. Pennington gap recorded low of -21 the 4th with a high of -4 !
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