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Daniel Boone

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About Daniel Boone

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Near Cumberland Gap
  • Interests
    Bilble prophecy , Meteorology , classic music , Football.

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  1. Just looked at Security Camera at home and there's probably between a quarter and a half inch and still snowing.
  2. Yeah, if that sequence comes to fruition we should be in decent shape.
  3. That would go along with Webb's earlier thoughts and also with the MJO progression probably.
  4. Light snow here in Charles town.
  5. Light Snow falling up here . Looks heavier just to the south toward Winchester and west toward Mountains.
  6. Let's hope so. Webb's not as confident today as yesterday I noticed. Today's sudden Model changes I think got him a bit. Negative asian mountain torque. As far as myself, I still think back and forth type Winter but, am a bit concerned over Snowfall as it doesn't appear the +TNH Pattern will provide a deep enough Trough to help with low road development. I could be wrong as it'll be close during Time's of +TNH Patterns. Could be the MJO will make it to cold phases with enough amp to raise the odds at the right time.
  7. Thanks brother. Yeah, apparently Models underestimated RH Southern boundary or the trajectory some. A tad further South is a big deal when 15 statute you go from up to an inch to nothing.
  8. Can't be. You're in the no snow zone KMRX has for tonight, lol
  9. Thanks Brother ! I agree with everything you're saying man. As soon as I saw the GFS follow the Euro and they then show a viable way that thing can cut, without strong upstream blocking that's the usual path . I'm still thinking back and forth this Winter but, probably not alot of Snow. I was along the lines of a high probability of mildest Winter in Record but, the slow strengthening Nina and somewhat eastward progression plus the subtle changes in PDO and Atlantic SST'S around Nova Scotia made me back off that.
  10. Yeah, holding energy back in the SW like it always has. That apparently wasn't worked on during recent upgrade from the way it looks.
  11. Yeah, I did know but, can't remember right off. Noaa I think has those Archived.
  12. Thanks brother. Sorry to hear of your Uncle . A special one at that . It is tough. I lost a close friend about a week ago due to Cancer. We are here now. It's near Charles town and Harper's Ferry,WV.
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