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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. So far today, .89" of rain has fallen. 2 day total is 1.92".
  2. I know people in here are focusing on one last potential wintry threat, I certainly respect and understand that. But the bigger story to me in the next 48 hours is the severe threat that's unfolding not too far away from us. I feel that the pretty colors aren't finished moving towards us, too.
  3. Mostly cloudy for sure here- but an impressive amount of blue skies overhead. Sun has been out in pretty much full force for nearly 30 minutes so far.
  4. Thanks for mentioning this - with the storm track a bit farther north, the chance of storms here increases accordingly. Would not be shocked if we get a low key severe threat in the southern tier tomorrow night.
  5. Sun has made an appearance here as well. See - nice week in tap.
  6. 1.22" since Saturday here - 1" on the day. Rainfall rates just increased again.
  7. I'm at .94" today to be precise. Great start to our rain totals.
  8. My family and extended family didn't want the AC on... They lost. It is quite overcast here as well.
  9. It got too warm inside for me this morning - AC is running. SPC has R-Ville under a SLGT for severe weather on Tuesday.
  10. Mostly cloudy and 55. Sun was out earlier but is taking a break now. Needs to rest up for all of the sun coming this week.
  11. Saw lightning in the distance driving home from Mt. Joy and thought it was something else...I had no idea that storms were that close. Were they forecast for your area?
  12. Just reached .20" - still a ways to go to reach Mammoth's 36" over the past couple of days. They are now at 322" for the season. That's only 389" behind last year's 711".
  13. Yeah, despite the way radar looks I'm only at .04" so far.
  14. MU is actually mentioning snow for Lanco later next week...
  15. MU is saying that next week's weather might be the worst 5 day stretch relative to normal for the entire year. Ended by saying "where was this during winter?"
  16. Tale of 2 different areas today for sure. It's actually sunnier now than it has been most of the day. 60 degrees. Edit: there are darker clouds to my west now.
  17. Sunshine through some high clouds and up to 56 at noon. Turning out to be a really nice spring day here. Looks like if it rains at all here, it will be after dark tonight. More sun tomorrow followed by rain after dark tomorrow night. Timing here ends up giving us a pretty nice weekend all things considered.
  18. Correct. I stand by my comment that their bullpen is there biggest liability. And it ain't close.
  19. I'm at 4, let's try not to blow this out of proportion.
  20. Phillies home opener was fun... ...until the bullpen came in. Holy crap, the Phils bullpen sucks. Poor Wheeler.
  21. Successful opener for the O’s. Burnes with 11 Ks in 6 innings in his debut.
  22. Busch Gardens Williamsburg is my 2nd favorite theme park I've been to behind only Disney's Animal Kingdom. BGW is a beautiful park...so well maintained.
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