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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. @Mount Joy Snowman - did you hear any reports out of Mt. Joy proper from Saturday afternoon's storm? That storm dropped .25" of rain at my place in the form of a steady shower, but when we drove through the town yesterday morning on our way to Philly it looked like a war zone...trees and lines were down everywhere. A little research (social media) showed that people reported "definitely seeing a tornado" where others were like no, it was straight-line wind damage. Regardless, there were no warnings issued and I wasn't aware that there was even a storm...but just a few miles down the road from me, they got crushed. Scope of damage that I saw, winds had to be over the threshold for a warning.
  2. 73 when I left for work at 6:30, 72 was the overnight low. Storm overnight had a lot more bark (thunder) than bite (rainfall) as just .08" fell.
  3. Thunderstorm in progress here now. Lots of lightning and thunder.
  4. Drove through 2 separate deluges on our way home from Philly. Temp ranged from 74 up to 98. High at home today was 94.
  5. Next Wednesday looks sneaky hot - type of day where many could easily make a run at the upper 90s.
  6. I do know that the 7 day QPF map I posted last Sunday was valid until 7am tomorrow had my area just inside the quarter inch line. I'm at .25". Obviously this time of year there will be winners and losers with convection. From what I remember the overall maps this week were quite accurate. They consistently portrayed more rain up north and that happened. The lowest amounts were focused on your area and south.
  7. Let me try my luck - it never rains in Maytown. My guess is it won't rain here until October 10th with 47 days before that over 105 degrees.
  8. That 1-2 hour period between 1 and 2:30-3:00 probably shaved 2-3 degrees off their final high.
  9. Highest legit temp here today is 100.7. So a 101 in the books. Nothing but full blazing sun start to finish. Last 6 days: 91, 93, 93, 93, 98, 101.
  10. Couple of little cells might be just enough to prevent MDT from making a run at 100.
  11. 93 in Maytown at 11:40am. It's been quite some time we were in the mid 90s at noon. The heat has become impressive.
  12. My wife has a shop, she sells upcycled jewelry and other things. All made out of things like aluminum cans, fabric, plastic containers and other things. She's selling a lot of Phillies earrings made from the limited edition Budweiser cans.
  13. He's doing fine all things considering, thank you for asking. A lot of pain which is to be expected. It's 88 at 10:10. My wife and I are vendors at a craft show this morning in Marietta. I am not having a good time. LOL. It's freaking hot. Already.
  14. 84 at 10:25pm. Setting up for a potential triple digit day tomorrow.
  15. My weather station currently reads 100.6 - just got into partial sun so I've lost the true temp for now. Last good reading was 97.6.
  16. First day of the heatwave that overperformed. Predicted high was 94-95, it's now 97.
  17. Yeah...that was my point which I failed to make. As bad as his car ended up, he's fine. He's in the protocol for a few days and he'll be back to work hopefully midweek next week. Phillies game is gonna be a scorcher! At least I thought strategically about where to sit when I bought the tickets for this game specifically. (it's our only day game) We will be in the shade the entire time. That will help a lot.
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