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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Made it to 38 here this afternoon. Already down to 35 at 4:25pm. Add MU to the 50s bandwagon tomorrow. He's got 54 for Lanco.
  2. 37 in Maytown at 2pm. MU riding his November 1st call of wintry weather developing just after 12/20 and lasting for about 3 weeks.
  3. A little light snow in Maytown. First flakes of the week that I've observed. A chilly 31 outside.
  4. Working in HR, and specifically with developing/helping people grow, I see this every day. A few years ago, I was teaching a class and was talking about integrity. I said, what's really telling about a person isn't what is said to them...it's what people say when the person isn't in the room. I went on to say that I hoped that if I walked out of the room that we were in, and someone asked the class what they thought of me, they would speak highly of me. That matters to me. Almost immediately, someone in the front row interrupts and says "I don't give a f*** what you (me) or anyone else thinks of me." That really shook me. And since then, I've had others share essentially the same thing. I don't get it. How/why did we get to the point where people just don't legit care about others, and further, don't care what others think about themselves. To me...it's sad.
  5. 27 degrees at 7pm last evening, 28 at midnight, and 29 this morning when I left for work.
  6. You're saying your temp was 43 at 11am today? No wonder you're always negative. My temp at the same time, southeast of you, was 34.
  7. Wrong. Your high today was BEFORE the arctic front passed. It's a normal occurrence for temps to spike directly in advance of a cold front. Here are the 5 minute observations at Millersville - note that today's high was in the middle of the night and temps have trended down much of the day. https://snowball.millersville.edu/~cws/obs/24hour_5minute.cgi
  8. Yes indeed, it sounds very much like her kind of place.
  9. Was up late taking my son back to Newark last night - got home around 1:15am and it was 41.4 in Maytown.
  10. Speaking of Elm, is Bomberger's still around? I remember commercials from way back yonder for "Bomberger's In Elm".
  11. I was thinking about you, wondering how you made out. Glad you're back safely and had a great time.
  12. Never saw a single flurry. 36 this morning and windy.
  13. That's some very beneficial rain to help with our drought situation.
  14. He be blowin' a lot of hot air around this morning...
  15. Did you run this by the West Virginia Americanwx women's committee?
  16. I believe that as of now, Alabama would be in, correct? What I'm reading right from the horse's mouth is that the Tide are essentially in. The Committee chairman said this last night specific to Alabama and in general to other teams: “Those who are not playing [in conference championship games], we will not adjust those teams.” Manuel told ESPN.
  17. This is exactly what I've questioned multiple times in here. I'm honestly hoping for a 5/12 matchup.
  18. I might have even put a windbreaker on this morning. That was unthinkable a few years ago.
  19. There's MU's 12/20 - 1/10 bitter cold air mass he talked about in his Winter Outlook back on November 1st. Watch it verify.
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