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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Can't ever recall a red box that was more inclusive to PA, period.
  2. Yes, we do...which is precisely why I'm NOT feeling good. (as in...I really don't want this to happen)
  3. I am squarely between those 2 locations and don't feel good about it at all, lol
  4. Clouds are already thinning with partial sun here and it's only 9:30am. Should be a lot of juice added to the fire...
  5. Ended up with a very garden variety shower last night with literally one rumble of thunder. Nothing wrong with that!
  6. I'm not sure which is faster right now...the speed at which they're growing or moving. They are hauling east!
  7. That's exactly what it's like here in DC. Glad I missed out on all the excitement today.
  8. Aww man...so envious of you! We spent 10 days there back in 2013. (my parents used to live there) What a stunning place. Get ready to spend serious coin on food though. We visited during the era of Subway's famous "$5 foot long" promotion. Well...in Alaska that $5 foot long was running about $12. We really had no intention of eating at Subway in Alaska, but after our first night dinner priorities changed. We ate at a traditional salmon bake and for the 8 of us the tab was over $400. That was with 4 kids and NO alcohol consumed by anyone in our party. It was also much warmer than what I was prepared for...several days of temps in the low 80s. Very few places have AC because it's seldom needed. We had a couple of uncomfortably warm nights for sleeping. We arrived in Anchorage and my first impression was "meh" - Anchorage is a large city of over 250,000 people and it didn't feel that much different than around here. We rented a car, got about oh, 2 miles outside the city on one of the very few highways in Alaska and my wife was like "um..there's a moose in our lane ahead." Suddenly we realized we weren't in the LSV of PA any longer. We probably didn't go a mile farther and a black bear came lumbering across the road... Enjoy your 18 hours of daylight! Anchorage currently has a sunrise of 5:00am and sunset is quickly approaching 11:00pm. It takes a bit of getting used to it getting dark after midnight...
  9. Absolutely perfect spring morning out there. Kind of invigorating...
  10. Funny you mentioned that...with the amount of moisture left over from this past storm plus modest instability, any sunshine today will serve to fuel some RAIN showers this afternoon.
  11. I want to be near water. Wife wants to be in the mountains. Key West seems like a good compromise to me.
  12. Looks like the end is in sight now...band is starting scoot east instead of northeast. Should be out of the steady rain in the next hour or so. Maybe. I hope.
  13. As much as I love snow, I am beginning to think Key West will be a nice place to retire in about 9 years.
  14. I say that all the time. Every day like this is one less potentially hot and miserable day.
  15. Same here. Raining as hard if not harder than at any point yesterday.
  16. Looks like this afternoon is shaping up to be another soaker. We can use it...not much has fallen now for about 16 hours.
  17. Just the highest elevations of the northern mountains...but still...
  18. It is straight up nasty out there...horizontal rain with near freezing wind chills. Not the nicest of Mother's days...
  19. Was just going to post that Horst is mentioning snow for northern PA tomorrow night. I thought of you.
  20. 2 torrential downpours today netted .65" in the gauge. On to Sunday...
  21. 43 days until the hours of daylight gets shorter.
  22. Maybe true...they post restaurant inspections in the Lancaster Sunday paper which I read on a regular basis. I don't remember the last one for Shady Maple though. I have a personal story regarding driving home from dinner there years ago which I probably shouldn't share in this forum.
  23. Ha! A lot of people swear by dinner at Shady Maple, but I have to tell you that there's something even better... Breakfast at Shady Maple. :) I seldom go for dinner any longer...the quality and value of their breakfast is off the charts good.
  24. Thank you! It's going to be a bit raw and chilly for any picnics going on today...
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