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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Looking at radar I can see how certain areas get missed totally while others are hit repeatedly...
  2. Man...you must have just missed it around noon. Red Lion got hammered. I've been around 81 or so here for the past 3 hours.
  3. Looks like @CarlislePaWx is getting the goods this afternoon...
  4. Just picked up .4" from a cell. I was telling my wife on our walk this morning that this is the kind of day where some areas might not see much of anything today while a few spots might pick up a few inches.
  5. Just under 1" here, about the same duration. @daxx It looks like you took it on the chin...
  6. Not a very clean long-term forecast...shower and thunderstorm chances of varying likelihood for the remainder of the week and weekend.
  7. It's the same temperature at noon today as it was at 7:45am yesterday. 76 officially here and it feels incredible!
  8. I had to smile reading this...I can't tell you how many people I heard yesterday afternoon say those exact 3 words...
  9. It was windy here...I work part time for Lancaster's minor league baseball team. Yesterday, we had vendors with tables set up with information on their business products and they were getting frustrated because all of their literature was flying around the ballpark. I heard many fans telling each other and or me how refreshing it was to be out yesterday. I myself thought it was beautiful...and I despise hot weather. Official high for Lancaster was 86. With the wind and lower dews it felt pretty good over this way.
  10. The issue with temperature busts isn't new, and it happens year-round on both high and low forecasts. One thing I noticed specifically for today was it was 76 with full sun at 7:45am. Even with NW flow you had to think it was going to get pretty toasty with pretty much full sun on the last day of June. Why it happens so much is probably a complicated answer.
  11. I celebrated my last full day at OBX by telling people on the beach that the hours of daylight were starting to get shorter. For the record, I hit 91.8 yesterday. No idea what it is at home right now...wife says it's hot.
  12. You live in downtown Harrisburg. He lives in a place where google maps haven't even discovered yet.
  13. You know, I was just thinking about this yesterday after a conversation here in the office. On my office floor there are about 35 people...I've talked to just about all of them (been here 22 years) and to the best of my knowledge, there are 33 people like you and 1 other like me. It's kind of interesting that in "real life" the vast majority of people love warm and hate cold, yet the vocal minority come to places like this. This board should probably be renamed "American Winter Weather" to be a more accurate snapshot of who resides here. (plus all the severe/tropical fans as well) @canderson is right...variety of opinions/personal choices make this well-rounded.
  14. Eh...that's still a little warmer than I like to keep it.
  15. As a kid I loved those things! I've always been a light sleeper and my window AC helped me sleep through many a nighttime thunderstorm growing up.
  16. Less than 1/2" here. Radar looked "good" last evening for significant rain but it slowly and steadily dried as the moisture moved east.
  17. Had a wind shift to the NW a few hours ago and with it came just a few degree drop in dews...but enough that it feels more comfortable out there now then it did first thing this morning.
  18. My comment was more about my personal heat-related issue than it was about you. Our home has a lot of windows and once the sun angle starts increasing it gets very warm inside, particularly upstairs. That, plus my "need" to have a cool home usually means my air is on once temps get past 60. I have my thermostat set at 67 year-round.
  19. My air has been on (and off a few times) since March...
  20. Here is video of the storm I experienced last week on OBX. (confirmed wind gust of 78 mph at this location. I was about 15 miles south...from what I see here the conditions I experienced were identical.)
  21. No video...storm came in crazy fast...saw on NWS Morehead City's page that it was moving 60 mph. I'm honestly not sure I've ever been in stronger winds. Storm was warned for 70 mph but it "seemed" stronger. Let me tell you, it's quite a site to see deck furniture flying through the air off of 3rd floor decks. Power came back after being out for 4 hours but it is pouring again and there is high water everywhere. It was a severe weather nut's dream evening here on OBX. I wasn't all that thrilled.
  22. @daxx you would have been giddy to experience the storm that rolled through down here. Zero visibility between the rain and wind and then throw the CTG lighting over the ocean...
  23. Power is out here on this part of OBX as one of the worst storms I've experienced just plowed through here. Adirondack style chairs (not the genuine, heavy ones but still) were flying off of house decks and landing in yards across our street. Everything that was on our pool deck is in the pool including a large rubber mat that somehow was lifted off the deck and dropped in. I'm probably not the best at guessing wind speeds but I'm pretty certain we had hurricane force gusts. This storm would have leveled a lot of trees on Front Street in the 'Burg...
  24. 4 perfect days and counting here in Kill Devil Hills NC...temps in the 80s, a sustained SW breeze around 15mph and wall to wall sun. Storms are possible here the next couple of days.
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