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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. 94.4 at 12:30pm is my new high for the year. Think I top out around 97-98.
  2. I was snooping around looking at some of the modeling this morning before I saw your post from last night...sure seems like someone MIGHT get a half foot of rain.
  3. Just tied my high from yesterday of 94.2...nice little spike over the past hour. Dew dropped back to 74 which no doubt helped. LNS: 94 MDT: 96 THV: 91 Looks like my call from early week might bust too high in some areas...and I went lower than a lot on here. (I had THV and LNS at 99 and MDT at 97) Maybe tomorrow...
  4. I have a feeling tomorrow will be the scorcher and not today, especially south and east of the mountains.
  5. Kind of interesting my temp is down, dew is up. You're just the opposite... My wife and I were out for 4 hours running errands. Got home and was shocked that it was 91.4. I thought it felt gross out, much worse than yesterday. Lancaster (officially at MU) was only 90 last I looked.
  6. I'm actually running behind yesterday's temperature, 91.4 at 1:30. However, my dewpoint is 78 versus 74 yesterday.
  7. I was at Camden Yards tonight to see the Orioles win. It might snow on Labor Day!
  8. 4:00pm: MDT: 94 LNS: 94 THV: 92 My station: 93.8 (4:50pm) high was 94.2
  9. At least for today, Brian (daxx) was spot on with THV being the lowest spots.
  10. 2:00pm: MDT: 92 LNS: 92 THV: 91 According to my wife, at home my station is 92.4 at 2:30pm
  11. Be interesting to see how high it gets at the Inner Harbor, at noon it was 94/74 for a HI of 104.
  12. My point and click is running a couple of degrees cooler than the Harrisburg area for today and tomorrow. I'm guessing it's because we've gotten significantly more rain down this way the past 2 days. (Mine is 94 today, 97 tomorrow)
  13. I heard of them but wouldn't have been able to identify one until Brian came along.
  14. Picked up 2.4" over the past 2 days, .8" since midnight. Should be interesting to see how hot we get...
  15. I need to take her to the Tug Hill for ME. 81/77 at LNS right now. When was the last time we had that kind of combination?
  16. Thanks Brian! I don't think my wife really appreciated what she was seeing anyway. I texted her last evening and asked if we got a lot of rain or wind, her response was "it rained a little I guess." I got home and discovered we got over 1.5" in less than an hour. She definitely will never get a job in any type of media...my wife is probably the biggest under-exaggerator I know. (She was in Boone, NC last December when 22" of snow fell in 15 hours. She called me and said she was disappointed that it wasn't that much.)
  17. I had read CTP's afternoon disco where they all but completely dismissed a severe weather threat yesterday, so as an acting weather weenie I was trying to prepare fans last night for lightning and heavy rain. I went beyond my duties and started asking people to leave the seating bowl due to all the cloud to ground strikes going on, people seemed oblivious to it. Anyway, the sky got really ominous to the southwest...probably one of the scariest skies I've seen. I wasn't prepared for that based on the information I was getting from weather outlets. My wife was driving home and she stopped at various spots and took like 50 pictures. I posted the one because I've never seen anything like it. She did say that what I posted lasted seconds before it dissipated.
  18. I thought of a rope tornado...but a waterspout over open farmland? I'm not saying you're wrong...I didn't know if it was possible.
  19. So I have a part time job with the Barnstormers. Last night around 6:30 the sky was green. I mean...it was really green. I've heard people describe seeing that before but until last night I'm not sure I ever did. I was commenting about this to fans who were adjacent to me. One guy kind of laughed and then when he looked he got this look of horror on his face, turned to his wife and said "holy f*ck, it is green!" Then he looks back at me and says...what does that mean? I say, I'm not sure exactly but it ain't a good thing. I didn't find out until after the fact that Lancaster city was under a Tornado Warning at the time...
  20. I received 1.6" of rain, no idea about wind but looking around Maytown this morning I didn't see much to indicate there was wind. Washington Boro got a smack down. Trees, branches and wires everywhere. Heard the southern end got a whoopin' too.
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