Not sure what's happened over the years in Wrigleyville. First time I was there was before they had would sometimes be suspended due to darkness which was obviously very unique for a major league venue. After the lights came in '89 it's been pretty much a nonstop expansion of scoreboards, rooftop seating sections and other things that have dramatically changed the wind pattern, number of homers, and scoring in general. One game I was at in the late 80s it was 11-7 Cubbies...after the 2nd inning. Ryne Sandberg was 3-3 with 2 bombs and 8 RBI's as the game went to the 3rd inning. Shoot the Phillies played a 23-22 game and an 18-16 game out there within a couple of years of each other. Still a great place to visit but it's lost some of that uniqueness over time.
What are things like up your way now? I've had enough rain consistently that everything is still very green...