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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Not sure what's happened over the years in Wrigleyville. First time I was there was before they had lights...games would sometimes be suspended due to darkness which was obviously very unique for a major league venue. After the lights came in '89 it's been pretty much a nonstop expansion of scoreboards, rooftop seating sections and other things that have dramatically changed the wind pattern, number of homers, and scoring in general. One game I was at in the late 80s it was 11-7 Cubbies...after the 2nd inning. Ryne Sandberg was 3-3 with 2 bombs and 8 RBI's as the game went to the 3rd inning. Shoot the Phillies played a 23-22 game and an 18-16 game out there within a couple of years of each other. Still a great place to visit but it's lost some of that uniqueness over time. What are things like up your way now? I've had enough rain consistently that everything is still very green...
  2. Just a shade over .5" for me. I figured you got hit pretty good today around noon. Funny, my wife and I were walking the trail directly across the river in sunshine while there was almost non-stop thunder coming from over your way.
  3. Have to strongly disagree with you on this one...I've been to 22 MLB parks and CBP is definitely top 10. And I despise the Phillies.
  4. I love reading stories like that. Thanks for sharing. It looks like you might be getting hit again right about now...
  5. (Coughs) ummm... @Voyager It kind of looks like your area is getting crushed right now. You might give @MAG5035 a run for his money today...
  6. How often is there a tornado warning in an area where there wasn't even a severe thunderstorm watch? No one in this area was even under a Marginal risk of severe weather today.
  7. Well it doesn't appear as if there were any touchdowns resulting from that TOR warning a while ago. That storm over eastern Lanco went nuts!
  8. Yep...it was the 'ole route 743 special last night. Lost power twice and scared the kitties silly.
  9. Ended up with .7" of rain last night from that line of storms around 10pm. All of it fell in 30 minutes.
  10. Go ahead and say it now...it's a dry heat, so it doesn't feel that bad.
  11. Yes sir, between the corn and peaches I feel blessed to live in this area. Those fruits and veggies help make summer a bit more tolerable for me. Sort of.
  12. Some isolated but potent little cells popping up west and southwest of Carlisle. Didn't expect any rain anywhere close to the area today.
  13. Awesome information...pretty crazy that as the crow flies I'm about 15 miles from MDT and have had well over double the rainfall this month. That sums up pretty well how dry the Harrisburg metro has been recently.
  14. I just got back from a walk across the campus down here...first time in a week my glasses didn't fog up as soon as I walked outside!
  15. That is remarkable. I was fortunate to get good rain several times last week before largely missing out yesterday...eyeballing maybe a quarter inch?
  16. So far today .05" in the bucket. All I can say is thank God it isn't winter...
  17. That's what I have here at home. A nice rain shower.
  18. Wow. I am 12 miles east of York and I'd say I'm being generous if there's 25% cloud cover.
  19. Yep, and that's what made 1997 remarkable because it had both. Back to back days in Lancaster of 100+ heat with dews over 70.
  20. I'd say you're asking for the impossible but from what you guys have been saying maybe the Harrisburg area misses everything again...
  21. .45" fell last evening. Anxious to see what today and tonight brings. This past weekend will certainly be remembered for the high dew points, which made a pedestrian heat wave something noteworthy.
  22. You're right...and at the rate its' going you're going to have rain fairly soon. Not sure you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
  23. Good outflow right now on that York county storm...wife and I were along the river in Marietta and had wind gusts easily over 30mph despite the cell being a good 20 miles away.
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