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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Holy Bazooka bubble gums, it is downright nasty outside. Just walked across campus...good lord is it stifling. 75 was my overnight "low" - currently it's 86 in Maytown at 9:05am.
  2. I'm questioning his call. I want rain so badly, it's making me jaded. I feel like a snow weenie that lives in Charlotte. Or...Maytown. LOL
  3. Who to believe/trust? MU says the front will stall further SE than models put it and the associated rains with that wave fall well SE of here. He says models notoriously stall these types of fronts too far west.
  4. If it rains- met from MU isn’t expecting much, at least down this way the entire week. Wednesday deal targets areas west and lat week is focused on I95 south and east.
  5. A steamy 95 here at 2:10pm. Today marks the 8th day this year with temps reaching at least 95.
  6. I'm at 90.1 already. MU saying a record could be set today. Hotter tomorrow.
  7. Last 2 months combined were the hottest in Lanco in 110 years... @MUweather With temp departures of +4.11°F and +4.35°F, respectively, this May and June were the hottest on record, in aggregate (+4.23°F), at@millersvilleu since 1914. Only May and June 2010 came close with an aggregate departure of +4.13°F. The July 2010 departure was +3.85°F.
  8. I cursed myself with my avatar - how the mighty have fallen. The self-proclaimed king of mowing has mowed 2 times in the past 6 weeks.
  9. 85 at 9:50am. Today will be the 15th day at or above 90 this year and it should be the 8th day reaching at least 95. Tack on 1 to both tomorrow, and then we'll go from there.
  10. Beryl made landfall early this morning - sounds like it was pretty intense for a Cat. 1 for those along the Texas coast.
  11. You got flush hits at least twice in June that missed me completely though.
  12. I keep my own personal records. Accurate records. Closest Wunderground station to me has had far more rain than I have had since the middle of May.
  13. I'm not sure that anyone in this thread has had less rain than I have for the past few months. I don't remember the last time it rained at all. I will not believe any model or forecast until it's in my bucket.
  14. 88.5 at noon - @canderson I'm feeling even better about it not getting to 95 today.
  15. Yeah...I don't know what to say. My lowest temp this morning was 74.3 and I'm not in an urban area by any means.
  16. I live in a relatively rural area and it's 81 degrees at midnight.
  17. To @Bubbler86 point, 90 degree days aren’t/shouldn’t be a big deal. What has been a big deal to me this summer has been the dews…temps in the mid 90s with mid 70s dews are NOT common here and it’s been miserable.
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