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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Reading Horst's latest discussion this afternoon, he is calling for a wild and active January with lots of...rain and some snow. While there might be a 4-7 day period of cold, wintery weather he doesn't see winter locking in through the month. Merry Christmas to each of you. Enjoy this special season and let's get ready for what we do best...more rain later this week!
  2. Yep. I can't ever remember the Susquehanna running this high heading into Christmas. A testament to just how wet it has been. We're getting to the time of year when the river runs high due to snow melt or ice jams.
  3. If I see ANY snow on the ground tomorrow morning I will consider it the greatest miracle since Lake Placid 1980. If you're saying "huh" to that, I'm referring to the Miracle on Ice. (USA defeating the Soviet Union in ice hockey during the Olympic Games)
  4. I remember that storm painfully well. It didn't snow down here near the Mason/Dixon line either. I was 14 at the time and thought I'd be traumatized for life.
  5. My wife, mom, and kids just arrived in Boone minutes ago. So jealous of them and all of you...up here in Central PA it's clear, dry, and cold. No snow in sight here for at least 10 days. Enjoy everyone!
  6. If you can, try and keep some updates coming. My wife and kids are en route from PA. They're staying at the Comfort Suites but are still a few hours away.
  7. Good morning everyone. My wife and daughters will be driving from Central PA to Boone this weekend. They'll be coming down I-77 and then I think it's 421 from there all the way into Boone. What is 421 like in winter events? Is this a route that is usually kept pretty clear? Also...as of right now, what does the timing look like for onset of the steadiest snow? I'm trying to figure out if and when it would be best for her to travel. It's just about 500 miles from up here and i'm hoping to maximize her mileage in good weather. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with advice. I appreciate it!
  8. Somewhat related but I truly think my team is making a serious case for being the worst team in MLB history. We are really bad in every facet of the game of baseball.
  9. Congrats to your nephew Jon, and thanks for starting the thread...though I'd be perfectly fine if it was a baseball thread exclusively.
  10. Greetings from Lancaster county PA...I have family that lives in Lewes (Bay Breeze off King's Highway) and I always root for your area to get nice storms. I come down to visit at least twice of year and must say that I love that town. Here's hoping you guys do well with this!
  11. Hello!

    I've lived wiithin the river all of my life. I have a lot of respect for how dangerous it can be, but at the same time, so scenic. Thanks for stopping by!

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