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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. What I remember even better is that at about a 72 hour lead time EVERY model that I'm aware of had all of getting absolutely buried...talking like 2' plus totals. Somewhere around 48 hours out everything suddenly shifted west and introduced ice into our forecast. It never wavered from that point to game time.
  2. Maybe Steve will confer with a friend of mine back in high school...Rusty Dicks? His given name was Russell Dicks...nicknamed Rusty... I wonder if Rusty Dicks is a weather weenie?
  3. Thanks! You guys can kindly keep him right down here in your threads.
  4. I agree with you on this and mentioned this last year...I'd almost prefer 1' of snow with a layer of ice than 18" of all snow. Staying power!
  5. My daughters both were screaming "what is canderson talking about!!! So that's 2 more...
  6. That's the storm I was referring to. When the record cold hit roads around my area were like driving on a washboard for 2 weeks.
  7. ^ reminiscent of storms from the 80s. Classic mix bag down here with crippling interior snows.
  8. I've had freezing rain with temps in the mid teens. If it's heavy it might pond on roadways on impact but trust me...it can get seriously nasty.
  9. That was my point exactly. Lots of time to go but there's also much that can right and wrong with this.
  10. As Nut said the NAM was really good in the 1/16 storm, and I think (unscientifically) that it does very well in general with large winter east coast storms.
  11. At the age of 53 I keep getting younger and younger on here!
  12. That range is due to a 4000' change in elevation. I believe the town of Mammoth Lakes is around 7000', while the summit is 11053'. Not uncommon at all for amounts to double from the village up to the summit.
  13. Welcome Josh! And hey... guess what? You're right up the road from me. I live between Maytown and E-town! (though really just outside Maytown borough)
  14. Oh to live in the Sierra...Mammoth Mountain has a "Special Weather Statement" for 4' - 7' of snow. That's not a typo on my part, that's feet. What do they need to get a Winter Storm Warning for goodness sake? That's the big boy that is headed east to a location near you this weekend.
  15. Wyoming whitener? I wanna watch that loop so bad but daddy told me to run fast from porn...
  16. Clipper has been getting stronger with each succeeding model run. Might very well end up being bigger than this past weekend for us. (yeah I know...not saying a lot, but for a clipper it looks pretty good right now)
  17. E. Horst, MU WIC@MUweather A clear, cold & white morning with temps in the upper teens. Uneventful the next few days, but there's abundant fodder for snow lovers. A clipper system could bring a couple/few inches Thursday night...and a weekend storm could turn into a #Noreaster, tho track & temps are iffy.
  18. Didn't take you long to stir the pot with our southern friends...
  19. I value and thank you for your time and contributions here. I know when you get excited about a storm it's time for me to go back on the budget sleeping plan.
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