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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. If you watch the Weather Channel's predicted motion for the weekend storm I swear it goes directly over MDT. That wouldn't be good for us.
  2. And that's because by that time all of the pieces are on shore?
  3. Actually I think your categories and amounts are very good. I like the "Crippling" designation as it makes sense to have something between major and historic.
  4. As I said on the previous page he's good peoples and he REALLY knows what he's talking about. I've been encouraging him to be more present and vocal on here for several years now.
  5. I didn't have one last winter, but that was kind of my point. I'm being a little too soft on that designation.
  6. It is REALLY time that you get crushed! I get so sick of the NYC and BALT/DC crowds whining about snow when western PA has been left out of the game for years. Some of those people are clueless and spoiled because recent history has been overly generous to them. I can't think of a sub forum that deserves it more than you. Good luck, rooting like heck for you!
  7. It's an interesting yet pointless conversation because as you said, it's each person's interpretation. I only responded to you initially because in my eyes 4"-8" is significant...but nothing beyond that. (and yes Nut - I would gladly sign for that right now ) My thinking: 4"-8": Significant 8" - 16": Major 16" - 32": Historic (I waver on this one a little bit as I've had by my count 13 of these in my lifetime, or 1 every 4 years) 32" and above: Biblical
  8. For SOME of the LSV...as is, that maps depicts 4"-8" down my way. That's SECS in my book for us Lanco peeps.
  9. There's truth in the drum you're beating. As crappy as the pattern is right now there IS a way to victory here. Might not be clean, 100% pow but we CAN get a significant winter storm with timing and the strength of the moving pieces playing out just right.
  10. Brian (daxx) thank you very much for the time you're spending here providing awesome analysis and PBP. I know how much you know and how good you are at all of this and it's about time you share your knowledge with the rest of us! Enjoy the rest of your time up in the 'Dacks.
  11. Agree with you completely. If that scenario becomes a reality that is a game changer.
  12. Based on the overnight model runs, he won't change a thing. He has not and will not change thoughts and/or forecasts because models suddenly depicted a different solution. As he says often it's meteorology and not modelology. He WILL change his forecast if he sees that the atmospheric setup and the players on the field has changed. I feel like I should speak for him since I'm the one who always posts his thoughts. BTW - I hope you all do realize that I hope he's wrong...
  13. Once the shortwave hits the west coast and gets better sampled our HECS will come back. #wehangourshovelsonthat
  14. He usually does not speak in absolutes, especially this far out in time. He seemed very blunt this afternoon. It's going to be a rainstorm. That's what he believes anyway.
  15. Would love to see the Euro make a move south and east tonight. Any movement in that direction is a win.
  16. Not declaring anything my friend, just sharing my opinion and guess that he will be right. I understand how much time is left and how much can happen.
  17. I read on another sub that we lost the Navgem. That bothers me, as it has a very progressive bias.
  18. I think you are going to be right on this one...at least for those of us in the LSV.
  19. If that's true we should be pulling for the Steelers defense...
  20. E. Horst, MU WIC@MUweather (1/2) Given the media (and social media) buzz about the weekend storm...I present brief and measured update. NO, a blizzard is not likely to hit the big cities of I-95...in fact, a thunderstorm is more likely! The interior Northeast is a different story as... E. Horst, MU WIC@MUweather (2/2) ...a crushing snowfall is likely from northern PA, interior NY (mostly rain in NYC), VT, and most of inland NH & ME. Here in the SusQ Valley...the inland track and lack of blocking means likely a brief period of snow/mix changing to heavy rain, possibly ending as snow.
  21. It really does...both the orientation of the striping and the amounts within it.
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