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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Thank you SO much for your thoughts! We all appreciate it (and you) very much.
  2. No no no...sorry, I wasn't clear. I'm talking about the 4''-6" of snow at the END of the storm that the ICON is depicting.
  3. Imagine that for a minute...you have all of that moisture that will freeze solid once the arctic front moves through AND then add a layer of snow on top. So motorists are now battling blowing snow across roads which are a sheet of ice underneath. Sh*t is getting real.
  4. I think that is a GREAT call! Matches up with my 1"-3" for here.
  5. I believe this NAM map removes the sleet factor. What a difference S&E of 81...
  6. Imagine people throwing maps like this on social media today. Someone sees it on Facebook or wherever, lives in the Harrisburg area, and is now expecting 15" of snow. It ends up giving weathermen a bad name.
  7. There isn't much ice to jam is there? If we get 2"-3" of QPF I'd think flooding is a concern particularly along streams and creeks.
  8. I don't like it one bit but I totally agree with you... Well, scratch that. i think frozen precip might be a little more than a "little". I could see several hours of snow>sleet>freezing rain. But I do think over half of it down our way is pure liquid.
  9. Read several mets who've said the same thing. People see 10" painted over their house and assume it's snow, when it reality a whole crap load of it is sleet. I'm telling people at work to expect 1" - 3" here before the flip. Right now I see no reason to change that, and if i do I will.
  10. I'd much prefer to have a forecast of 1-3 and get 6 then have a forecast of 4-8 and get 2... Watching number go up at game time is exhilarating. Watching them being revised downward is depressing.
  11. Well...I realize there's some foolishness in doing so. My previous point was that by listening to him he has saved me a lot of heartache over the years. We've been on here chumming it up for 8 or 9 years now. I've been following his forecasts for over 30 years. I do listen and value others certainly, MAG is a great example. I just put weight into what Horst says because he knows Lanco climate like no one else. No one.
  12. One thing I'm very concerned about is what happens in the wake of the storm. I often feel like roads icing over is way overrated but i could see how this setup turns into a nightmare. All of that QPF followed by a sudden, hard freeze? That is an aspect I don't think we want to overlook.
  13. That's exactly what I said on the previous page. Models are nothing more than guidance.
  14. He was too low like most others. He has a very conservative bias which I know and appreciate. I'd rather watch my numbers go up than go down.
  15. I'm guilty of that. By doing so I've found that I'm not let down nearly as much as following any other forecasts. He's not always right, but he's right more than many others.
  16. One thing I can say with certainty is Horst is NOT following the GFS. In many, many years of following him I've never once heard him write or talk about the GFS. The only model he ever mentions is the Euro and that isn't often. I'm sure he's basing his forecast on what HE sees happening PLUS our climatology. Models to him are probably nothing more than guidance to consider.
  17. Morning all! Ugh - I'm supposed to inform my company management today what to expect this weekend. Yay me... 1"-6" then ice then rain. Then wrapped up in a glacier from brutal cold. There. Easy.
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