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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I'm going to lay this out there and say that with so many storms in the past there is a clear north trend in the days proceeding it. Often, just before onset there is a step back. Let's will this bad boy a little bit further south on tomorrow's guidance. (weenie handbook rule #6547)
  2. Me too - thought for sure Lancaster and York would be left out.
  3. @Wmsptwx Why do you always go quiet when you're in the bulls eye for our forum? You always have plenty to say when you're on the outside looking in.
  4. Yes sir! 2" - 5" of snow, which means my call for you is pretty much squarely in the middle.
  5. True, but when he called for a big snowstorm you knew it wasn't wishcasting!
  6. Difference being Lundberg openly admitted hating cold weather, Horst loves it.
  7. Since you're so confident I'll spot you a big fat 3.3".
  8. Joe was still around up until just a year or two ago I believe, he used to be one of the featured bloggers. He was on radio stations down here as well. And at least for a time he posted on the Eastern US weather forums. (the one that proceeded this one) Joe was originally from New England I believe but made his home in State College area.
  9. I used to love Accu Weather, especially Joe Lundberg. Always thought he was really accurate and seemed to distance himself from the hypsters around him on there.
  10. Just for fun I'm going to say you'll be on here Saturday evening reporting 3.25" before you flip. Feel free to jump all over me when I'm wrong.
  11. I'll narrow you down to 2". I mentioned the other day that 2" always seemed to be the magical number before visibility went up and that godawful sound of pingers commenced.
  12. Hmm... Not saying this is correct, but it is gaining traction.
  13. Brian, the Euro panels I'm looking at take the low from about Morgantown WV east northeast right over southern PA. Is that pretty accurate? Horst said on Monday that this storm will go right over us.
  14. You have no idea how much disappointment he has saved me over 30 plus years.
  15. That they don't. They could be sitting on 40" and UNV at 5" and yet somehow if UNV got hit they'd be pissed.
  16. Someone else just said it came pretty far NW too...
  17. Someone on the NYC forum with the hard to read maps of the Ukie said it came NW of where it's been, but it's still SE of the GFS.
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