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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. CTP still has all of us in the LSV under a Winter Storm Watch, but for areas such as Dauphin, Cumberland, and Lebanon it's for the potential of 6" or more of snow. Lancaster and York counties is now 1" - 5" of snow. So to Blizzard of 93's point they've upped amounts from MDT north and west, and to my point they've somewhat lowered amounts down my way. (last night my watch was for 3"-5" like everyone else)
  2. Good morning! Up for work and noticed that my total went DOWN some. CTP isn't upping totals for everyone in this thread...
  3. I don't know where he is but if he saw the NAM he probably busted one.
  4. Thanks MAG. Off to an encouraging start with the 0z suite.
  5. Remember the meltdown he had a few years ago when it looked for days on end like Richmond was going to get 2' of snow...and at the last minute the storm came much farther north and they changed to sleet after 4'? He had a complete meltdown for the ages that would have made any weenie proud.
  6. So on Saturday we get the first guess proceeding his first call? (that's kind of how he does it, right?)
  7. Did Dave Tolleris put out his first guess on his first call on his first prediction yet?
  8. So at any rate light snow continues to fall here. 28 degrees.
  9. @canderson CTP did the same thing to my grid last evening then brought it back later. Weird...
  10. Just finished dinner, took a peek outside and low and behold everything is white. I love snow!
  11. CTP updated the Winter Storm Watch down here from 2"-5" to 3"-5".
  12. One thing the GFS did was really smooth out the amounts from border to border...instead of 2" at the southern border to 22" at the New York line, there's only a 7" or so disparity. That doesn't seem right to me.
  13. This is what happened in '94. Road crews decided to let snow on the roads knowing that the ice on top wouldn't melt for a week with the bitter cold temperatures. I've always had the mindset of getting everything cleaned off as quick as i can and then use sand for traction if ice persists. But that's me.
  14. From what I've read, it was the JMA that sniffed out '96 first. We know the NAM has scored it's coups... I wonder if the NavGem has ever been first to the party with anything?
  15. I tried to answer you but didn't think ice was that big of a concern.
  16. That is so true. How many times in the past decade have we been on the northern edge of the battleground? And now we finally have a vintage 80's slop storm where I'm on the southern edge.
  17. He's been calling for a "few inches" of snow locally all week and still is. He has lowered his expected temperatures however, and is hitting ice pretty good.
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