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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. If this isn't right over us (Lancaster) I don't know what is:
  2. I agree, but at least this way I can put it out in the open how little I actually know. Interestingly...your guess and my guess are probably only separated by 1 extra hour of snow, which isn't much...
  3. Anyone else want to lay some chips out there? Final call: (same as I've been saying for 3 days) Lanco/York: 1"-3" Harrisburg metro area: 2"-4" (Carlisle officially 3.3" ) Ridge and Valley: 4"-8" Williamsport/MAG land: 6" - 10" Nut's Cabin: 10" - 15"
  4. Don't worry...Horst is calling for another rain storm by midweek!
  5. Just saw that, and given how big Dauphin is north to south I guess it's in the realm of possibility...
  6. There's so many I didn't copy/paste, I was suggesting if interested to go take a look. Seems like he's calling for 4"-6" along the "toll road" Perhaps 1" near the M/D line 18" in northcentral PA Long duration freezing rain down here tomorrow night Start time is 3pm, ends at 11am Sunday .1 - .4 of ice
  7. If interested, Horst has just tweeted a bunch of his morning thoughts...
  8. That Ralph Wiggum guy says the NAM is north and warm to whatever panel he's at.
  9. It's going to melt today long before we get to tomorrow night.
  10. I had 1.3944" so no. Still liking your 6" - 9" for your area? When I first saw that last night I thought you were too low...but that might be a pretty good call. Seems like warm air aloft always moves faster and farther than what's anticipated.
  11. I know the Euro can tend to run a little dry BUT it does seem like this storm has been slowly moving away from the huge QPF bomb of a few days ago.
  12. E. Horst, MU WIC@MUweather Clipper is exiting w/ an inch or two of snow in its wake. Clouds will gradually break today w/ afternoon temps in the upper 30s; then back into the 20s tonight w/ brief clearing. SAT PM into SUN midday: Snow→Sleet→Freezing Rain→Rain→Snow Showers...then 36hrs of Arctic air.
  13. Yeah. I think really the big question on tap for us is just how long we hold onto frozen before changing to plain rain.
  14. Yep, my work is 12 miles south of where I live and it was 29 here.
  15. I really want to see the Euro come back south at least some today at 12z. Overnight run was nearly a non-event down my way.
  16. I read your reply too quickly...was wondering why you were talking about your briefs... I have to work as well. My company expects weather updates from me. Score!
  17. Did they change the wording in your Winter Storm Watch? I know last evening for your area it was 6" or more.
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