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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I wanted to respond but I'm always wrong anyway. Hate when you don't feel heard though... Storms are firing already in the western LSV. Looks like an active afternoon and evening shaping up...
  2. Yep... 77/72 split at 9AM. Will be interesting to see how much sun we can squeeze out before the arrival of the front. It's pretty gross out this morning.
  3. Walked out to get the paper and man does it feel like a summer morning - misty and VERY humid. A bit of a breeze but not very windy here.
  4. Just 4 years ago we had a named storm in January and May. In 2012 we had 2 named storms which both came in May.
  5. Thanks for posting that. I would have thought that southwest PA was wetter.
  6. Agreed - aren't some of the waterways out west already running high from last week's rains?
  7. Yep, at least over this way it doesn't look like more than a passing shower or two until the front arrives on Friday.
  8. I've been asking the same question! I think it goes beyond the past month - even in the winter we often exceed projected high temperatures and fail to reach forecast low temps. Notable exception is when more cloud cover and/or an easterly breeze exceeds predictions...then our temps often bust on the low side. Most sunny days seem to warm more then forecast...
  9. I maxed out at 84. Plenty warm enough for me. The AC hasn't been off much, let's put it that way...
  10. It's 72 here already. Maybe by early next week we don't even see 72 for our high?
  11. Made it to 77 here, just slipped a notch to 76. Somewhat interestingly, it's been nearly 100% clear here for most of the afternoon. As soon as the clouds disappeared the breeze went right along with it. Very warm in the sun this afternoon. CTP got today right for here at least.
  12. 76.2 here so far...hardly a cloud in the sky.
  13. 66 and partly sunny currently. My 18 year old daughter just walked in and announced how good it feels today after "how hot it was yesterday." That's my girl.
  14. Cooler east wind has arrived. Eastern Pa will likely be notably cooler tomorrow. Pittsburgh might make a run at the upper 80s while east of the Susky holds in the upper 60s to near 70.
  15. Weren't you outside at all yesterday? Even though it was overcast and damp, I thought it felt quite tropical yesterday.
  16. I can't wait for mandatory stay at home orders for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Amazon will be running 60 days behind on deliveries.
  17. Yeah..so apparently the numbers needed to move to the next phase no longer mean anything? I'll leave it at that... My rain gauge is showing .38" after this latest downpour. Not a lot but very helpful to my garden.
  18. It will be interesting to see how much QPF is around tomorrow. I just want enough for a good garden watering.
  19. 71 here, already eclipsed what most models had for today.
  20. 37.4 here was my daily minimum...already up to 57.8 with much less in the way of wind today, at least so far.
  21. Another stellar spring day in the LSV. Looking forward to more of the same tomorrow.
  22. I'm not good at estimating winds but it's blowing pretty good here - I'd say 10-20 mph sustained with gusts around 30.
  23. Today is a day that isn't hard to get used to, that's for sure. Beautiful! My "light easterly breeze" from this morning has evolved into a "fresh easterly breeze" now.
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