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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Honestly...truly...in March, if it's going to snow, then let's go big so we can enjoy it for at least 12 hours. I also am fully aware that with a few exceptions, if my area jackpots then most likely you and other posters up north and west will likely get screwed. (at least to some extent) That's what made 3/13/1993 so special...Philly got nearly 1' and pretty much statewide it was a bomb. If I was guaranteed at least a foot with mixing so that everyone else in this forum got hammered...sign me up right now. Besides, a big, phased monster would be awesome to track... Can you all imagine what this website would be like if anything like '93 happened again?
  2. True that. Susky has been angry a lot since last summer. I believe the river has reached caution stage at Marietta at least once every month since last July. At least it seems like it. It was just within 3' or so of flood stage in the past week or two.
  3. Earlier this morning in the previous thread I mentioned 3 time periods to watch coming up. 2/27, 3/2-3/3, and somewhere around 3/5-3/7. Of those 3 it appears that the 2 in early March might hold the most promise. Hopefully at least 1 of those works out because all indications point to an abrupt end to winter around 3/10. Then again...has their ever been a winter with more chaos and uncertainty in the long range?
  4. @canderson That's going to bring down the last remaining trees on Front Street...
  5. At least 3 viable opportunities to end this season with a bang. Let's do this.
  6. Nice to see a lot of potential from about day 7 through the first week or so of March. We'll have about a 10-14 day window where we'll have a lot of energy plus cold air not far away. If we can time things right, we might score something significant. Various OP and ensembles have systems centered around 2/7, 3/3, and 3/6. Perhaps we're completely shut out but at least we have chances and odds are we'll be tracking at least one of those time frames.
  7. 34 and dripping here. @MAG5035 I can't wait to hear how long your "snowpack" survives! Barring a significant rain WITH high dew points I'd have to think that's going to last a good long while.
  8. It would be kind of fun if we all had a snowfall contest for our early March blizzard.
  9. @Cashtown_Coop Isn't that the place you picked to be the winner?
  10. Temps near 50 plus a strengthening sun is going to make retention a challenge...we need to get a high water equivalent in this pack and hope for some cloud cover between 10am and 2pm. For those that didn't clear their driveways...don't. Mine is an absolute skating rink already. My thought for clearing it when i did was that it was super easy to shovel it before the ice compared to how heavy it's going to be later on. Doing so however has put my family's health and safety in peril, lol
  11. Exactly what I had down the road 5 miles. Looking at reports on MU's website this area did pretty good in the county.
  12. I thought the same thing until i stepped outside and discovered it's a very fine light rain. (at least down this way)
  13. Been reading a lot of opinions from respected mets to watch for the first full week of March. I like March snow (okay, any snow) because of shorter wave lengths and more dynamics at play in the atmosphere. If something can blow up in early March it might be special. I shoveled my driveway an hour ago and the pavement is 100% wet. 2/20 solar radiation for the loss.
  14. 5" here, light freezing rain. I'll tell you what...that was an outstanding 3 or 4 hour period today fellas.
  15. It's really picking up here as well. Vis is way down...close to heavy snow now.
  16. Some of the M/D posters on the other side of the border have been reporting flurries for about 30 minutes now. Looks like we'll be waiting until 8am or so. Edit: My dew has dropped to 14 from 16 earlier.
  17. Do you know of a good radar that eliminates virga, or does such a thing exist?
  18. 29/16. Was hoping it would be around 27 this morning. We'll see if we wet bulb down a degree or two. I've been forecasting 2" to possibly 4" here at work since Monday. I'm riding that prediction home. We'll see what happens...
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