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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. My wife said our gauge was "just a little over 1.5"."That's about the best I can expect from her.
  2. That's pretty crazy. I didn't bother getting an exact measurement when I left for work at 5am but eyeballing the gauge was around 1.25". The Susquehanna in Marietta has come up 5' since last evening. Looks like MDT was significantly less than my location as well.
  3. Hopefully our little snooze is temporary and the light we're seeing at the end of the year isn't delayed into January.
  4. It's still raining and there's water everywhere. With so much focus on the snow prospects from round 1 and how much frozen we might get from round 2, I completely ignored the QPF projections overall. This was a very wet storm.
  5. Impressive rain event. Between .7 and .8" and rates are borderline heavy. Just picked up my daughter from work in Elizabethtown and didn't encounter any ice on any surface.
  6. All liquid here and plenty of it. Already over .25" with moderate rain currently. After falling below freezing earlier I'm back up to 32.8 now.
  7. I might have underestimated this round...already down to 31.6 as the rain increases.
  8. 34.4/28.2 here now. Don't think ice will be a significant issue here but we might drop just enough at the onset of the heavier precip to glaze up some elevated surfaces.
  9. I busted for a whole lot of us. On to the next one! (I don't expect any more snow down here from round #2)
  10. Perusing the radar it doesn't look like much of anything is going to happen for quite some time. I imagine when precip arrives it will be wet and not white.
  11. Yeah...true point there. I guess it's just getting burnt WAY too often in the past that led to my hesitation.
  12. Sooner or later...I got this feeling that we're going to be dancing in the wonderland...
  13. @Blizzard of 93 I put in bold one word from a post of yours on Saturday morning. That one word was why I went significantly lower than any model at the time. Trajectory was not good for us. Downsloping kills us when precip has too much of a west > east orientation. Doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it's happened way too many times in my life to ever feel good about it, that's for sure.
  14. I'm sorry. I forgot to include you in my guessing game last night. I had @Cashtown_Coop at 2.5" and would have had you with a similar amount.
  15. No surprise here. I never, ever count on much of anything from these type of events. E. Horst, MUWIC@MUweather I'm not too impressed by "part 1" of this event, as light snow has struggled to move east of the SusQ River. Already an inch in some areas to the west, but little in Lanco yet. A period of light snow will develop in the next few hours, but only a coating to 1" on grass
  16. Looks like some pretty good returns over you out there. Maybe you'll make my call for you of 2.5"?
  17. I left for work with "light snow", got to work...trace on the ground, nothing falling.
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