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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Grew up right here in the 70s. Watched many storms smoke VA and the Carolinas while I watched cirrus streak by on the southern horizon.
  2. 100% fact. Said it many times but it's hard for the younger crowd to get it. As a kid, a 4-8" snowstorm was a HUGE deal.
  3. It really does...did you see Horst's tweet about being in the best forcing after 5pm?
  4. Well for what's it worth (probably not much) but I've had off and on flurries for the past 45 minutes. I'm also at 38.8 which I'm not pleased with...
  5. Great analysis guys...seriously, you are all giving pause to some of my concerns. I'm sitting at 37 right now and just concerned I guess for obvious reasons.
  6. Euro has been pretty steady the past couple of days. Gives me some hope my worries are unfounded...
  7. I'm glad you posted that...I wanted to say that I was concerned about the temperature and dewpoint but figured it was a weenie worry. Yesterday I did mention my concern about a lack of radiation cooling last night and that is exactly what happened. I provide weather updates for work and told senior management last night that I didn't know what to say...I'm concerned about losing QPF to rain and non-accumulating snow. I'm going to go with 2" - 5" with my morning update. I just don't feel good going any higher.
  8. Best part of what he said to me was the 5pm -11pm timeframe for the height of the storm. After sun angle issues but before bedtime.
  9. I see lots of people from neighboring threads mentioning that temps today are verifying a good bit lower than forecast. That's fine, but unless skies clear this evening the cloud cover that is putting a lid on temps this afternoon will prevent radiation cooling tonight. Now...if we can get a few hours of clearing later on...then what is happening now will mean something.
  10. Euro looks really good for the LSV. This might sound weird but I really want the NAM to deliver the goods soon. I'm a believer in the Euro/NAM combo 24 hours out. I want to see some of the other guidance come back NW a bit and juice up.
  11. Truth is in the middle...for you and me subtract about 1" or so from Superstorm's map...certainly not 3". @bubbler86 is correct for areas N & E of Lancaster county.
  12. Unofficially about 2" here. Just got home from talking our son to work and can honestly say the drive was awful. Wet snow on top of a layer of ice is not compatible with automobiles, lol
  13. At least right here this is quickly becoming a pretty good (bad) ice event. It's raining hard enough to be a real problem but not so hard that any of it is really running off or ponding.
  14. Rain has really ramped up, there is some serious glazing of ice going on. 30 degrees.
  15. Love seeing that logo. If you and I go to a game at Camden Yards this year that will guarantee a paid attendance of...2. Thinking you should do really well this weekend...
  16. I get it...most of the precip now falls during the day, HOWEVER if it only lasts 12 hours and with the amount of QPF falling it should stick just fine.
  17. Hmm...without knowing how much is white on Sunday, me personally, I'm all in on tonight. I want to score again and then see what happens thereafter.
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