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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Yorkpa25. I totallly went off on him one day. Not one of my finer moments. @sauss06 came in and pulled me out before it got out of control.
  2. That's it! He was around until last year if I remember. That guy got over 200" every winter. In all seriousness he was in the same microclimate as psu hoffman and a few others.
  3. Don't remember that name. Whatever happened to the guy from southern York county that always posted pics of his deck with 6" of new snow on it when everyone else around him had 2"? I think his name was Blizzard of something...
  4. Colin from Catawissa. He was a weenie but honestly I thought there were and still are far worse than he was. What pushed everyone away from him was he was ALWAYS negative. He'd be ripping +SN and would complain that it was going to shut off 5 minutes earlier than progged. So instead of getting 2' he'd end up with 23.8" and feel screwed. He wore everyone down with his constant complaining.
  5. To my dismay, we do severe well down this way. It seems like the epicenter of severe is the Hershey area. I don't know what it is but Hershey/Palmyra/Campelltown gets raked more often than not. We just got a Wegman's in Lancaster back in the fall. I will not buy groceries anywhere else unless i have to. I absolutely love that store.
  6. It was disheartening to see the cluster move significantly farther offshore overnight. It's the progressive flow...
  7. No I understand...and I made a similar post in the past few days (I think on Saturday) about how depressing it is when you know it's about over. I wasn't being argumentative, I was just saying that I found something else to talk about. We're not just in the 4th quarter...we're in hurry up with 1:10 on the clock down 14...
  8. There's a few places where the snow is piled high enough it will last a few more WEEKS.
  9. Have you ever considered being a storm chaser? I know you love severe and often wondered if you'd consider going to tornado alley and having some fun with it.
  10. After a sort of a frustrating winter I'm taking a lot of solace that we just finished a full week of March with continuous snow cover. That...was an accomplishment.
  11. I was talking about temperatures on Sunday because...there was nothing else to talk about at the time, and there was a sharp contrast between near 70 temps in NVA and the low 40s in CPA. I (and a few others) were curious to see which model was going to bust horribly on temps) I'd much rather talk about snow, and I was one of the leaders in talking about the period coming up next week. As @MAG5035 said last night...there is nothing definitive to jump on just yet. I still remain hopeful for something special next week but until then i see no harm in discussing current weather conditions...
  12. I'm running a few degrees cooler today than yesterday. I'm currently at my daily high of 51.2
  13. There's potential for something next week. As Elliott Abrams said long ago "You can't shovel potential". Wish we would have a -NAO next week. I don't like how it's raging positive.
  14. Yes it did... It got foggy out in a hurry this evening. Just came back from E-town and in a couple of spots it was like "whoa...where's the road?"
  15. I have pretty much full sun now but have actually backed off to 50.4. Fail on my part.
  16. Getting close to peak heating now but just reached 52.6 and climbing rapidly...
  17. 46 here. I had a 6 degree spike between noon and 1pm but have only climbed 2 degrees in the past 90 minutes.
  18. I said that wrong...I actually meant that MDT won't reach 58. Meaning I will bust high. I'm at 44 now, up 6 the past hour.
  19. Agreed Brian. I'm still very much hopeful but far less bullish than I was a week ago. We'll see. (and like you, I'm not into a 1" -3" deal, we're in big game season now) Sun has just broken through here. I'm going to bust low (go figure) on my call for 58 at MDT today...it will be interesting to see how the temperature responds over the next several hours.
  20. Tell me about it. While many people consider spring to be their favorite season, for me it's just the opposite. It usually takes me a while to get over winter ending. Also, I have no interest in severe weather so there's zero anticipation of that.
  21. Have to say it feels really good outside today. Kind of a reality check that the seasons are in transition now. Tomorrow emphasizes that reality with the later sunset.
  22. Snow TV! Sure does look nice even if it's not providing any accumulations. Just for fun, I say MDT reaches 58 on Sunday and LNS hits 60. I've always felt like it gets warmer than we expect...
  23. Continuous snow cover for 5 full days in March? Doesn't happen that often.
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