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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Ironically, my HI has been under 100 nearly the entire day. It's sitting right on 100 now for the first time since 12:30.
  2. Don't agree with this. "Close enough" when being evaluated is going to result in an inferior evaluation. At least "close enough" doesn't cut it often with my superiors. Further...what is "close enough?" 2 degrees? 4 degrees? Moving goalposts leads to both confusion and frustration. It becomes very subjective. And then you have a mess.
  3. 1. Not asking you, but are local offices evaluated on forecast accuracy? If so, the letter of the law matters. 2. Why have criteria if it's not going to be followed? How much "fudging" is acceptable? I'm not being argumentative, you raise a valid point. At the same time there might be reasons they do what they do that we're not aware of.
  4. Really glad you brought this up. As someone who travels to Florida a lot (though not as much as you) I laugh when people from our area say they could never do summers in Florida. Yes, the heat and humidity is relentless, but during our heat waves up here we're typically running hotter and sometimes nearly as humid as down there. We've made a couple of July trips and both times it was 3-5 degrees cooler in Orlando than it was back here.
  5. Current HI here is 96...in NY, I meet the criteria. For our location I'm still 4 degrees short. It's hot, advisories or not.
  6. Heat Advisory criteria in NY is for a Heat Index lasting a minimum of 2 hours of at least 95, here in PA it's 100. It differs in different areas just like snow amounts do in the winter. CTP's advisories look good to me for their area based on criteria and what is expected.
  7. It was nuts the 4th of July weekend and then died on Monday the 6th. My family was spread out on both sides of the lake so my wife and I actually got in the water on both sides. Ranger told me the water temp was 85...it felt like it. Warmest water that I can remember and I've been in the Caribbean waters in July in the past.
  8. 94.4 was my high today...maybe one of the best feeling 94 degree days that I can remember. It took me almost 30 seconds to sweat outside which is pretty good.
  9. 89 at noon here, but with a dewpoint of 64 which is significantly lower than yesterday's 73 reading. It's not THAT bad out.
  10. It won't be too long and we'll start noticing the shortening of daylight hours. That is a big encouragement to me even when it's still 95 in August.
  11. Now you're talking! It would figure if Mr. Freezer ends up the winner in the thread's baking contest. I'll say I hit 101.8
  12. Didn't you live in Carlisle at one point? You might need to move from the Parched land...
  13. It's not a true winter thread without the Wiggum dude whipping out the CRAS.
  14. 87.2 here with partly sunny skies. Got warmer than I thought...and might not be quite done yet.
  15. Well, my wife and I were running errands at lunchtime when she asked me to stop at the distributor...so I guess that's a sign.
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