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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. I literally just drove through Columbia on my way home from work and I had 75 in town at one point. Currently sitting at 72.2 at home.
  2. Divide 281 in half and you have the amount of days until the FV3 spits our our first pink and purples of the 2019-20 season.
  3. You could not find anything to say that i would agree with more. Can't believe I'm saying this in mid-March but at least I can look forward to cooler temps and lower dews the next several days.
  4. 60 at 4:30am when I left for work. I seriously debated turning on the AC last night. Gross... How long until winter?
  5. Quite an impressive late day rally here...this is what I was expecting last Sunday. After only being around 50 at noon it's now up to 66 here.
  6. Holy cow...I saw this, texted my wife and she said at home "we're almost up to 60". Quite a disparity.
  7. It's Tombo's forum. He still posts occasionally in the mid-Atlantic sub, but he started Phillywx and has several good mets from the Philly area that contribute a lot over there. Not as much activity as these boards but it is a very good forum in that it has good posters posting good information with little to no outright weenie junk. I was posting there regularly during my hiatus from on here. There are 2 or 3 other posters from Lancaster that contribute as well.
  8. I travel to Florida at least once a year and always drive. I don't care for the 81/77/26 route, did that once and that was once too many. I actually like 95...once I'm past Richmond
  9. Kind of hard to believe that hasn't changed once this entire winter. Shame. Next week could have been a powder keg...
  10. If his name is Zac Brisko then yes he is...in fact I often see tweets from his in various threads on these boards.
  11. @CarlislePaWx Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm also grateful to be back. I was kind of in a bad place personally a couple of months ago and it was negatively impacting my posting. Rather than bring what is THE best sub to a lower standard I proactively decided it was best for me to step aside for a while. Many reached out and expressed concern and for that I say thank you to all. @Blizzard of 93 Nice to see you're doing your best to keep next week alive. Still not sure if there's sound meteorological reasoning to score, but I swear if anyone on this board can will this thing into us it is you...
  12. I don't think he's referring to Matt. (Eskimo Joe) I think, if I recall his name was Tony, but that wasn't his screen name. I've been thinking about it since this afternoon and I can't come up with it.
  13. My wife and i have Friday night date night at Weggie's. Since you and i are big baseball guys, we need to get Mike Trout to start posting on here once he comes to Philly in 2 years. Everything I hear about him is that he is a huge weather weenie...
  14. No idea. I always wondered if the weenies down there wore him out. He was very good, meaning, he would post it as it was without sugar coating it and some of the weenies would take him to the shed. Between Ian and Matt (zwyts, westminster deathband, deck pic) that sub had 2 of the very best non-met posters around. Ian hardly if ever posts and Deck Pic only posts when snow is imminent.
  15. Thing about Colin was he was kind of in no man's land up there in northeast PA, and would often post in our thread AND the Philly thread. He had 2 entire subs irate with him.
  16. I remember it but not what it was about. He was somewhat like Colin in that he was always negative and one day he was spouting nonsense and i replied. You quoted me and piggy-backed off of my post and to this day i don't think he has posted once since.
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