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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Man, I remember that heatwave...if memory serves me correctly I think we were in the mid-90s by 10am on one of those days. Just insane heat for these parts. A lot of posts on this page for April 29th.
  2. Frosty start today, warm and somewhat humid tomorrow as we head back into the 70s. Sounds about right for late April.
  3. @Blizzard of 93 What happened to you? Are you not aware that an accumulating snow is likely tonight and early tomorrow in the northern mountains?
  4. I thought of you when I was out earlier. Saw a tree down not far from here and immediately was concerned about Front Street. It really is blowing out there...
  5. Thanks for popping in and sharing your thoughts...though this is Hershey Bears country.
  6. Yes, sorry...I should have looked at the SPC map a little closer. At first glance it appeared to me like the ENH covered a bit more of our area. In reality it runs right through my backyard, lol.
  7. His window of opportunity is roughly Labor Day through Memorial Day, so...yeah. Looks like yet another active afternoon in store for the LSV.
  8. Looking ahead to the next 10 days or so, it looks like we have at least a chance of some rain on about 7 of them. Saturday looks like the nicest of the next several though it'll be windy and somewhat chilly for the end of April.
  9. Wow! We had a brief shower around 7:30 last evening and nothing after that. Didn't even see a distant flash of lightning...
  10. Spectacular out...hard to find anything wrong with a day like this... ...well, unless it was 50 degrees colder with +SN :)
  11. Yes - Chamber of Commerce would take pictures on days like today to put in their brochure(s) for eye appeal to attract visitors.
  12. I have extended family that live in the mountains down their. Above 3000' snow in April is fairly common though it doesn't happen every year. Above 5000' snow can and does fall into the first couple of weeks of May.
  13. Thing is...there was an isolated cell that popped pretty much right over me yesterday around 1pm. I was on the board before just about everyone else in here. That was the heaviest ran I saw from the event. After 2:00pm I picked up about a quarter inch. Everything of significance ran up just west of the river.
  14. You're giving away your generation. I grew up in an era where self service didn't exist. Or they were few and far between.
  15. Pouring rains here now. Picked up about .15" so far. Sun is out and it's brighter than its been all day.
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