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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. You aren't kidding. In about 12 hours Zeta went from the mid south to off the Delaware coast. It was hauling...
  2. Holy crap, good for you! Must have been some coal region banding going on up there.
  3. I was going to post my final tally until I realized it's raining now. 1.41". Grass mowing tomorrow!
  4. Looks like 1" of rain at MDT today. My total is 1.12". A bit of an underperformer. Zeta ended up taking a beeline east this afternoon.
  5. Yep, rain has stopped completely here. 1.02" at this point.
  6. Light to occasionally moderate rain continues, .88" in the bucket. Some heavy rain JUST sliding to my SE and looks to stay that way, at least for now.
  7. Moderate rain and 50 degrees. Just passed .50" for the event.
  8. WPC likes a second maxima in eastern PA as the low winds up:
  9. CTP suggesting a solid 2-4" of rain here Thursday and Thursday night. That will build the water table a little bit.
  10. @pasnownut enjoy your trip up north later this week. Sure looks like you'll be playing in some white gold. Enjoy every minute of it.
  11. No one is happier about what's happening with the Patriots right now than the QB in Tampa...
  12. Steady but light rain has been falling here the past couple of hours - up to .13" so far.
  13. Got a little wet on our morning walk but despite several intervals of very light showers, I just reached .01"
  14. Ha! I was going to include that in my little blurb but decided not to. Anytime the temp gets above 67 in the house the AC runs. I have a lot of south facing windows so that happens on a lot of sunny days unless it's really cold out. I did have new windows installed this year that are much more energy efficient so I'm anxious to see how it goes.
  15. Point and click is clouds and 46 tomorrow. Perfect day for a morning walk and afternoon football.
  16. Growing season lives on here. Mowed the "pasture" this afternoon and then picked a bunch of tomatoes. Had nearly d dozen for my wife to freeze.
  17. Speaking of which, I'm already up to 78 while over at the MU weather center it's just 73. It's all about who cleared out the fastest...
  18. How about a breakdown by decades of how many snowfalls between 3-6" have occurred at MDT? It has been my thought that we had more of those in the 1970s then any decade since, but I'm curious what the actual numbers are. For my personal interest I'm most interested in the 1960s to the present. Thank you!
  19. It's warm...really warm in the sun. I'm right behind you at 76.
  20. AC weather looks to live on for some time...looks like a good chance of cracking 70 on each of the next 5 days.
  21. I should have been more specific - I've had some of that a couple of mornings the past few weeks. I haven't seen any evidence of frost in my yard or flower beds.
  22. Frost advisory is up for here tonight - I've yet to see frost, in fact I haven't gotten below 37 yet this season.
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