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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Already up to 91.3 here. MU has had Lanco hitting the mid 90s today since last weekend. Going to be close.
  2. My high yesterday was 101.6, which was the 2nd hottest day since moving to Maytown in 2000. Just .11" of rain fell, a T of snow. Monthly rainfall is all the way up to .44"
  3. Oh yes, I know the place. East Hempfield had a lot of damage reports on 911.
  4. Yeah.. ended up with just .11". Monthly total is now up to .44". 4.88" since May 1st.
  5. My apologies to both of you. I got the 2 of you confused. With that little rain, it's a wonder he's not in a D1 designation.
  6. Lancaster and York 911 calls are going nuts right now. A lot in your area and a lot in Lanco along the Rt. 30 corridor and just north and south.
  7. Incorrect - he had almost double what I've had since June 1st coming into today.
  8. Hope everything is okay @Mount Joy Snowman - a ton of damage reports coming in from his general area.
  9. According to this...you don't belong on team drought Bubbler (or my team, for that matter)
  10. Yeah...the northern fringe just got us at home. @Mount Joy Snowman should be getting smoked now.
  11. Yes it is - this really escalated quickly. Wife reports the yard and mulch is caving to hail as well.
  12. I noticed yesterday that Amtrak was reducing speeds on the NE corridor due to the extreme heat.
  13. The 1980s were awful - thank god for the blizzard of 1983 because outside of that...it was torture watching cirrus above while the southern Piedmont got smoked.
  14. Thanks. I would never have guessed that was the case. My memory says that winter highs in the teens/low 20s was a somewhat common occurrence prior to 2000 but much more infrequent since. I feel like in recent years we don't even have that many sub-freezing highs outside of stormy days. (which would explain why bodies of water never seem to freeze over anymore)
  15. These quotes speak to the spirit of the conversation I was trying to have a month or so ago, primarily with Bubbler: Normal high in mid January is 36 - how many January days feature highs around 50? Normal high for mid July is 87 - how many July days feature highs around 101? Both are equal in terms of their respect to normal. But this kind of heat in mid summer "seems" much more rare than a 50 degree day in January.
  16. If I can get to 102.2 (current reading is 100.7) it will be the hottest day since we moved to Maytown in 2000.
  17. I noticed that shortly after that comment, he said he's looking forward to the temporary break from the heat. I'm guessing he isn't in the "no more big heat in July" camp.
  18. Elliott: Severe weather likely tomorrow, longer-term the drought likely gets much worse: https://www.millersville.edu/weathercenter/forecasts/weather-discussion.php
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